REDLINE FMS Box Map harness


Feb 9, 2012
I'd prefer for the newer style map sensor, but would use either if that's all I can find. Shipped to 18091 to a business, thank you!
I just read their updated instructions on building one and built my own. You only have to cut 1 factory wire. I cut it behind the map plug and put a male & female spade connector. That way it's easy to put back to factory. Put the mating male/female ends on your Blue Chip harness and boom.
Ive got a couple chip sent me years ago still in the box he sent them in shoot me a pm if ^^ falls thru.
Thank you to Cummins2getu for hookin me up with the fast response, and thank you to everyone who offered, got one on the way.
Dam Creed! Chip told me he can't get the connectors any more, so those may be the last ones.