Reflection on the Diesel Motorsport Industry


NHRDA President
Sep 16, 2007
Well Sema again was a great week with lots of beautiful woman , amazing trucks on display and vendors that could supply you with anything you need in the automotive world.

The hottest topic that was buzzing around the convention center was diesel performance. At first that sounds great doesn’t it. Well after going to a press conference and listening to people speak on behalf of the diesel industry it was very evident that we are very divided not only in the manufacturing world but also in the organizations that are promoting diesel power events.

Throughout the week the one thing that was apparent is that we all in the diesel community have a big bulls eye on our back with EPA the one looking through the scope.
We need to address both the daily driven vehicle and the competition vehicles on both the emission side and also on the safety side.

At the moment we look like ducks sitting on the pond and are very easy to pick off one by one , because we don’t have any unity, we are divided and that always makes for an easy target.

The answer I due not know but I felt the need to get this out there so we can work on getting organized and unitified. I know that Race organizations , manufacturing , and retail side of our industry that there are many different beliefs and opinions on how to due business and events that is why we call it America. But we also need to realize that if we don’t find a common ground we might not have the sport that we all love so much.

In leaving I will say this I hope that all people involved with our industry remember that they are ambassador for the diesel performance industry and we all need to make sure our industry moves forward in a positive manner to ensure its future.

Randy Cole
Diesel Enthusiast
You are correct and I agree. Had we had Diesel tech like this 20 years ago the movment would not be difficult. The "black smoke" is hurting us. People believe what they see not what they hear. VERY few people would believe that "black smoke" isn't as harmful as other emmissions.

Great post.
Well said. Black Smoke on the street WILL be the death of us.
I am all for cleaning up on the daily driven street rigs, but leave it alone in compitition, we can fit in the smoker tractors :)
I can see them making it mandatory that you use a big vacume/filter when sled pulling. Something like the use on the indoor pulls.

When it comes to drag racing its a safety issue
As much fun as big hp on the street is, the days of 600-700hp street drivers are numbered. The EPA is working with California Air Resource Board to come with testing for the manufacturers. This is going to make things much tighter for the manufacturers. You are going to see well engineered packages that are put together for 450-500hp for street use. The big hp wont be able to use the "Off road" products. If it has plates no off road exemption. Guess we will have to wait and see.
We heard from the CARB about three years ago in the sled pulling relm here. they left, and now there back to do it the right way I guess :(

Very well said Randy! I talked to a lot of manufactures at SEMA, emissions was defiantly the hot topic. I know of several companies that canceled programs they were working on after the EPA "contacted" them directly.

This is by no means an end to the performance Diesel market, but we still need to unite and work together. It will be very difficult as there are so many different manufactures and shops with so many different goals. There are always going to be a customers or shops willing to do anything to go faster than the next guy. As soon as a racing organization tries to regulate this, that organization will be criticized, and attendance would be hurt.

Anybody have any idea on how to unite the majority of racers, shops, and manufactures?

Maybe if we create an association either within SEMA or a diesel specific, that can work toward a common goal; we may be able to keep the EPA off our back. Also, with something like that we would have representative that go to meeting like at the SEMA show.