Replacing Injector Nozzles or Whole Injector?


Aug 10, 2006
I have some go fast parts coming in the mail and I have been looking into possibly purchasing 100hp injectors for my 06. The truck has 84K on it right now. Would it be worth it to just replace the whole injector or just the nozzles? I have heard that if you just do the nozzles sometimes they are not "balanced" correctly?


On CR stuff if it were my personal truck, I'd do injectors with 84k on the truck. But even doing just nozzles no matter the mileage on the injectors, I recommend getting them set-up and balanced. Specially with how temperamental CR injectors are. But that's just my opinion.
That is pretty much what I was thinking too. I would rather not have to pull them out twice.
And most places charge quite a bit to set-up CR injectors too. I can't remember an exact number that II charges, (just cause they're local to me) but it was a lot more than I thought it would be.
Finding a failing injector on a flow bench is alot less destructive than finding out with it in the motor. Look at doing the whole injector.
how much were you wanting to spend, a simple nozzle swap will work perfectly fine, but it all depends on how picky you are
I would suggest whole injectors, you are going for performance anyway and the cost of nozzles is quite a bit anyways. if you got the cash, do it all while its out.
I have swapped just the nozzles out twice now on my 04, never had a problem. I was worried about it the first time, but now i wouldn't hesitate as long as there were no signs of injector problems previously. Obviously it would be better to have them checked out at the same time for peace of mind but if you don't feel like spending the money I wouldn't worry about it. Both times the nozzles were used and my injectors had more miles on them than yours do unless they were swapped by a previous owner. Also i probably only put around 7000 miles on the first set and maybe a thousand on the second so take it for what its worth. And if you do decide to just swap nozzles, I think yours would be the newer style with the shims so be sure you don't mix them up and/or lose them.
I put nozzles in mine, sent them to exergy and they all flowed to specs to be able to get the nozzles put in. If any of them had issues I was just going to get new but they were good so save the money. I think either way you will be fine
I dropped a valve in my 03 so when I had the head off I sent the injectors off to Area Diesel Diesel Service be tested and 100hp nozzles put in (150k miles on injectors) they were junk and they rebuilt them and put the new nozzles in for 2000 so it was cheaper than brand new 100hp injectors.