Responsible posting.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Some of you are posting to many specifics about remote locations that you're sitting at or your buddies are at. Gents, I maybe one of the old farts now and blast back if you want, but leave the who what when and where out of your posts. It's easy to get comfy in the confines of this site but never underestimate anyone. Come home safe, gents.

Semper Fi
the Hajji dump truck drivers already have these bases mapped out perfectly.......or is it just coincedence that every rocket that comes into Tallil is aimed at the MWR, Rec area, and Living Area 2.......we have so many Local Nationals on these bases it aint funny........

they came over the berm, stole a generator light set, and stripped it here at Cedar..................
Yes I agree with Logan. All this info that the bad guys cvould need they already have. You can find out just about where anyone is at any given time on 1 web site that is not calssified. A GPS probally wont help these guys anymorethan the Afghan or Haji will that will step off each Post and map it out for them. Will they attack me for posting my location here I doubt it but its possible. I guess they could also hijack a mail truck and find out where we are by address. Face it theres not much to secret locations this far into a conflict.
I agree with the first post. Its not so much that they know where we are and the bases that were at. Hell were in their country. The thing i would be more worried about is that i see alot of young guys or the first timers telling which flight their going and comming home because their proud of gooing over their and serving, which is great and all but it also gives the terrorist groups a time frame in which to get info on a plane, tail number when there would be a large group of americans and how to organize an attack. This could lead into a casual conversation on how often do you guys usually fly in and out of the ol airport kind of crap. Id just rather get you guys in and out and not have to worry about how they took down a plane of soldiers. Yeah they know were there and what bases were at but the day to day operations and the travel plans is what i would be cautious about.

Flights arent even secret anymore. We had afghanies on our base in Kandahar that knew the schedules just as we did everyday. If info was going out it wasnt the soldiers, it was the hodg. OPSEC isnt even an issue unless that folder says anything above classified on it.
wow things have changed from when I was in the Navy.

Loose Lips Sink Ships...always a good policy regardless of what is stamped on the orders
Yes this is true but the things that have been posted in other threads nothing has been of the classified nature. In my opion 99% of what has been posted has been responsible.
I would do it on purpose since where I was at was so quit it was boring. Every patrol we went on we were doing our best to get into fire fights but no luck. I am a grunt and we did not get to do our job much over there.
Milford, I grew up in 29 Palms...I joined the Air Force to ensure I NEVER go back!!! LOL I fact the only time I have been back in 11 years was to drive through to Yucca Valley to see a friend, when I left I didn't even go back through 29! scott
Gentlemen please, take this from a person that is concerned with your welfare, and not just another stick in the mud. We all have a duty, and like it or not the old adage "loose lips sink ship" is still in play over here. play safe come home safe
I have been down to many air bases, where the local nationals that worked on base, seemed to know more about the ops and the aircraft and such, than half the military folks did!! Kind of made me a bit scared to get on any planes!!! I mean I have looked at the things posted in the section and I haven't seen anything that seemed irresponsible or even an OPSEC violation!! Maybe I missed the post or thread that started this one... I mean I know we need to be careful about some of the info that we let out or talk about on forums... but one way or another chances are the hodgies already know the info... maybe even before we do!!
If I have learned one thing in all my trips to Iraq it is if you dont know where you are ask a local because they sure as hell know. Most of them can tell you more about the base than you would have ever known.
If I have learned one thing in all my trips to Iraq it is if you dont know where you are ask a local because they sure as hell know. Most of them can tell you more about the base than you would have ever known.

That seems to be a true statement especially when the locals can tell you what time the movements are happening that week. But never the less.....OPSEC is always good to follow.

The Ten OPSEC Points:

Don't discuss future destinations or ports of call!

Don't discuss future operations or missions!

Don't discuss dates and times of when we will be in port or conducting exercises!

Don't discuss readiness issues and numbers!

Don't discuss specific training equipment!

Don't discuss people's names and billets in conjunction with operations!

Don't speculate about future operations!

Don't spread rumors about operations!

Don't assume the enemy is not trying to collect information on you so he can kill you, he is!

Be smart, use your head, and always think OPSEC when using these forums, email or phone!
So, I just got moved to Sahl Sinjar Airfield, up in northern Iraq, Anyone else up here with me? LAR?