Rev-X is a success!!

Santa Gertrudis

Dec 12, 2006
I've been using Rev-X now since it was first released. It has completely changed the way my truck runs. I used to have a bit of a rough idle/driving period for the first 10 minutes everyday. It didn't matter if it was cold or hot outside, it was just miserable for a few minutes everyday. Rev-X has completely cured this issue. The truck just runs soooo much smoother all the time now. I haven't made my oil change intervals any longer, but that's just by choice. You can definitely make them longer. My oil (Valvoline Extreme Blue) stays cleaner for much longer now, and I could go longer if I wanted to, I just prefer to change it more often. I plan to keep buying it from here on out. I'm a believer! Do yourself a favor and just TRY IT!! :Cheer:
Can you explain how an "additive" keeps your oil cleaner?

The only way I can get my oil cleaner is if I run a stock tune, with stock injectors, and never "Hammer on it."
I guess that was the wrong way to word it, but I didn't know how else to say it. My oil feels less "gritty" than before. Keep in mind that I am on stock sticks. It may not be the same way (as far as cleanliness) with someone running larger injectors.
Been running Rev-X for 4,000 miles now and definitely notice easier start ups (even with cold weather), quieter idle, not as much injector chatter, and seems like the truck runs smoother all around. I'm definitely hooked on it for good!
Glad it's working out for you too Colin!
Yea it has def worked for me to. Do you all think it is necessary to add rev x to every oil change?
it says on the back of each bottle that it needs to be added at every oil change.
To me, it would only make sense to add it to every change since you are emptying all of the oil/RevX you just used for the last 5000 miles or so.
just put some in my 05 tonight will see how it works.i hope it gets cheeper it will cost me all but 400$ @yr per truck,plus sny oil just to keep the injecters happy.good greiff I hate six leekers:Cheer:
If it saves my injectors it's well worth the money if it works the same as it did on my truck you will see results right away.