Rudys Spring Truck Jam March 15th 2014

Things that needed done coming from guys that brought a 2.6 truck. Separate the pit from spectators. No pit vehicle unless your truck/tractor needs towed. Most people could use the exercise. Keep the joyriders out of the pits period. We were involved in several altercations with hammered spectators just trying to get the truck to the track.

We had a great time. Took home a great purse, control the idiots is all.
I think this should be a alcohol free event or no 4 wheelers and side by sides allowed. All these hammered idiots flying around the pit area about hitting pullers trucks was ridiculous. Between the idiots that wanted to argue about standing at the end of the track for 30 minutes and the others that were swinging at the top of the tree tops not sure what the purpose of cops being there was. This could be a really awesome event if some things were improved
October event went pretty good.

Im not tryin to bash you guys or anything, b/c I definitely dont want the responsibility of running an event like this. The reason the October event went well is b/c it rained about mid afternoon and lots of ppl went home.

My puller is down so I was just a spectator(not drunk idiot) at this event. Piedmont is just not big enough for what this event is growing to be. I enjoy this event b/c it brings in some good trucks from far locations that put on a good show. Was shocked at the 3.0 turnout. All the drunks ruin everything for everyone. If its not a sxs or utility vehicle that comes in with a puller, they need to stay at home. Most of the pullers only use theirs to tow their trucks to and from the track, not joyride. A drunk with no shirt, revving a 65cc dirt bike just to blow smoke on a crowd, should be tazed by the cops and dragged to the street. That was our greeting when we first got to the pull track. Need way more/bigger bleachers and no track side parking.
Has a two day event been considered? It seems too much for one day.

Ban ATV, golf carts, etc unless you are a competitor.

Expand pull classes, add; tractor classes (not antique), gas trucks

Single day ticket one price and a discounted two day ticket

yes a 2day event is definitely being considered.

Im not tryin to bash you guys or anything, b/c I definitely dont want the responsibility of running an event like this. The reason the October event went well is b/c it rained about mid afternoon and lots of ppl went home.

My puller is down so I was just a spectator(not drunk idiot) at this event. Piedmont is just not big enough for what this event is growing to be. I enjoy this event b/c it brings in some good trucks from far locations that put on a good show. Was shocked at the 3.0 turnout. All the drunks ruin everything for everyone. If its not a sxs or utility vehicle that comes in with a puller, they need to stay at home. Most of the pullers only use theirs to tow their trucks to and from the track, not joyride. A drunk with no shirt, revving a 65cc dirt bike just to blow smoke on a crowd, should be tazed by the cops and dragged to the street. That was our greeting when we first got to the pull track. Need way more/bigger bleachers and no track side parking.

yeah if it was up to me i would say no alcohol because of how crazy the crowd gets but my idea right now is if we stay there only let the main gain let pullers/racers/track crew in. and the oppiste side spectators. that would help alot i think.
I agree with the sentiments of the others - no atv's unless it's a pit vehicle for racers/pullers. It would also have been better to pay for the different events at the gate and only allow those vehicles inside - S&S/TNT/drags/pulling.

Honestly.... I'd pay twice as much for an entry fee in an effort to weed out those who just came to get drunk in the parking lot without fear of getting in trouble.

As this is the best/easiest diesel event to get to in NC, I'd love to see it continue and improve.
I think that the growth is great. It is way to easy to come in and be a Monday morning QB. I'm sure if Aaron had seen this on the crystal ball, he would have made provisions. As it sits, I'd lay odds there will be some drastic changers for the next one.
Had a blast at the event, more LE to control the drunken idiots would help. As we were getting OBXdieseladdicts truck ready to race, say 10am ish, some chitfaced high school kid was already throwing up right next to us lol. And the atvs, if not pit crew rigs, should definitely be banned. It was a cluster **** where I parked across from the time boards on the return side with the same pos quads riding back and forth all day. Love the event all in all though, Ill be back this fall!
I am sure that the crew from Rudy's will get things together for the next event. I hope they do, as it is fairly close for us. I think it would really cut down on the drunkenness if all alchohol had to be purchased on site. There are some hurdles associated with this, but people are more likely to stop at "buzzed" when a beer is $4.
I am sure that the crew from Rudy's will get things together for the next event. I hope they do, as it is fairly close for us. I think it would really cut down on the drunkenness if all alchohol had to be purchased on site. There are some hurdles associated with this, but people are more likely to stop at "buzzed" when a beer is $4.

4$? Make it 7-8$ and we will see how dedicated of drinkers they are. Need to set it up where parking is on one side and pits are on the other. The only way spectators can get over to the pits is to walk. It will all work out in the end:rockwoot:.
I agree. I was just a spectator but after seeing all the fights and the cops just drive up and laugh I think somethin definitely should have been done. Me and my girlfriend almost got ran over a few times by drunks on atv's and dirtbikes. Don't get me wrong it was a great event and I will definitely be back but I know I sure don't like people hangin all over my trucks throwin beer cans at them. Especially if I had the money in them the competitors do. All in all it was a good day and I had fun. Just think the high schoolers need to leave the beer at home next time
Some things to keep in mind is behind the scenes Rudy is not sparing any expense trying to grow the Truck Jam. I know the things he's working on and this event will be a great one to attend. I've been through all the same growing pains and still go through them every year. There will be always room for improvement when putting these event on. Every year things have to be stepped up a knotch to improve for the following year. It's very easy to get on here or any other forum and complain about what should have been done.

We all need to stick together and help grow the sport. Look where it has grown from the begining. Instead of complaining about what you would do......Take it upon yourself to put together one of these events and let the people that have sit back and judge you on your performance. Then we take all your hard work and tell you how we would have done it. Once you have done all of this you now have the right to bash someone's hard work and efforts that gives you a place to enjoy your sport.