S465 built by E.D. for sale or trade for 64


New member
Jan 8, 2009
looking to sell the S465 i had built by chris at E.D., will come with all the parts to make work(down pipe needed different flange, and on the compressor housing it needed a bigger piece to make it connect to turbo to go to intercooler) everything will b included. im looking for a 64/71/14 or 13 possibly a 62 it will need to be for a 12v. looking to build twins so also and will consider parts for twins, or will sell for $1500 paid $2350 for everything new only has 5000 miles. I will try and contact chris after the holiday for the complete specs
thats for everything, im guessing its a S465, i know its a s400 frame n i believe its a 65 wheel so just putting 2 n 2 together. the compressor housing is polished n it is a 5 inch inlet. i will get all the specs i was told will flow more air then a silver bullet but will spool faster. at the time i was looking for a silver bullet or something similar reason why chris came up with this. i will get the specs n hopefully on monday or tuesday i hope i wouldnt of gotten ripped of chris seemed like a decent guy n seems like he does a good amount of business with guys on this site reason why i went through him. but i will get all the info n yall can tell me your opinions. but on that note it is a great turbo i had a 64 before this turbo n this turbo made a huge difference n spools great for being a bigger turbo
also he said it was a custom built turbo thats why i didnt think the price was terrible n i was going to pay 2200 for a silver bullet anyway
It's got a bigger turbin wheel and housing than a bullet don't see how it can spool faster. And it's probley just a out of the box turbo if it had one of his comp housing for a 75mn wheel clipped for a 2.6 billet I could see that price
so you think the price i paid was reasonable? and it has tight housings on it he said he did that so it would spool better then a silver bullet, ive never ran a silver bullet so i can not back that up. but it does spool good for me
FYI, a silver bullet is not the only other charger made. you seem to be stuck on that for some reason.
im not stuck on a silver bullet im just saying wat i was told, i wanted a silver bullet at the time. so chris got me something similar that was supposably a little better for what i was looking for, this is why i even talk about a silver bullet because that is what this turbo is suppose to be close to
Without knowing what is custom, hard to put a value on it. 5 inch inlet is a standard comp, but ed does some machining to them. Machining adds $$. So best bet would be contact ed and have them tell ya what has been done. Then list those, and hopefully it will help with the sale.
i believe it is a 2.6 but i thought chris said something you could run it in 2.5 somehow. i will have all information in the morning and will have it posted in the afternoon, anymore information or ?s anyone as let me no tonight so i can have the right answers for yall tomarrow thank yall for the interest
specs: 64 mm wheel, 83/74, 70 lbs per min. a/r .9. this is a 2.5 charger. polished housing, 5 inch intake, t4 foot
if it is indeed what you say it is, txt pics to 330-268-9451. i have a bullseye comp 66 id trade!