S478/92/1.10 t6


New member
May 12, 2011
Traded a turbo for this thinking it had a smaller turbine wheel, pulled it apart and turns out it has a 92 which is too big for me. This has a cast wheel, low miles, and no shaft play. Turbo seems to be in very good shape.


Looking for $800+shipping, or trade for something in the 66-71 range with a 83 turbine wheel. Or a good 2.5 turbo.
Would you trade for a 75/83/1.10 t4? Or I also have an s366 66/74/.90 t3 with a billet wheel. Let me know if you're interested.
So this 78 is no longer available? ****

I asked him if we are still on for the trade to make sure and I haven't gotten a response yet so I can't say for sure. Sorry.

Then what's up with the 366
The OP was interested in taking in a 66-71mm turbo on trade so I offered it to him. If you would be interested in buying my 66 then PM me.
Sorry guys, been crazy busy around here with snow and everything. Anyways, as of right now 1stgensleeper and I are trading turbo's. If the deal falls through or something i'll let you guys know, but for now its taken.