SAC vs VCO Injector Nozzles


New member
Oct 31, 2014
If you took a 100hp SAC nozzles and dynoed it to a 100hp VCO nozzle how much difference would you see? I have also read that the SAC burns cleaner and you will run cooler Egt's. Can anyone put truth to this?

Reason for asking. I am running injectors with the VCO nozzle that are 120hp. They run dirty. Want to get Exergy's SAC 100hp Bosch tips.

Question - Will the SAC 100hp give me the same hp as the 120hp VCO?
Yea I agree. But will I be able to throw the 100hp SAC nozzles and that being the only thing changed still dyno the same numbers? Just doing some comparisons and research if anyone who has done some dyno testing like that? Everything I've read if you take the same HP rating nozzle the SAC will create more power and burn cleaner and cooler. Just seeing if anyone can prove this for me so I dont go buy the exergy nozzles and then do all the swapping and dynoing and it be the same smoke and less HP.
Not your same application but switching from a vco 5x14 to a sac 5x14 I noticed a much cleaner way hotter injector.
I think I would want to know the lpm or atleast orifice of each injector.
I know i have 35lpm or 120hp. I wonder what the 100hp SAC nozzles would do
If have same size like 5x14 voc or sac what will you notice different? Which makes more power which will be cleaner at a higher power level? How big can you go with a sac and not see any problems with the nozzle cracking?
If have same size like 5x14 voc or sac what will you notice different? Which makes more power which will be cleaner at a higher power level? How big can you go with a sac and not see any problems with the nozzle cracking?

In theory vco is cleaner but because they are mostly so low quality that needle is not centering sac will be cleaner in practice. Cleaner makes always more power if they flow the same.
Theres some good threads on this topic elsewhere in the forums. I dont have links, just remember seeing them.
I ran a few injectors in my truck. 5x.012 145* SAC, 7x.010 148* SAC and marine 5x.012 155* VCO.
in general it -seemed- (only seat of the pants dyno) like the SAC injectors ran hotter, had more power and smoked more at idle. Im guessing the smoke is to do with the small amount of fuel that resides in the hollow sac area?
for an in-town DD/tow truck the marine injectors with real low timing are great. power right off the bottom and very controllable smoke. Not a lot of top end.
I tried raising the pop-off to help with the idle smoke and of course that didnt do jack. I had issues with that 7-hole set they ran out of steam on the top end even with timing around 20*.

not sure about nozzle cracking. Youd have to consider the size of the tip, the hole count and the hole size. and whether or not honing does anything to relieve stress around the holes. I never had an issue with mine. Probably not an issue with VCO since the needle contacts the nozzle it transfers heat as well.
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