
Haha I know. Too hard when you're laughing yourself... LOL

Well you gonna piss someone off by calling at the end of the day if they close early and don't answer??? :D
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wish i would have seen this earlier, i had some creative **** talk already. bahaha
Haha thanks. I'll just bring them by sometime in the next couple of weeks. It's been awhile since I've rode my bike anyways!
wish i had seen have given him a whole bunch of crap about sending me the wrong things...LOL
My mech already ordered springs, titanium retainers and push tubes for my truck. He’s the one that told me to come to this site. Can I get a discount if I call?
First day here and already hitting up vendors for discounts?
Hey it never hurts to ask. I just wonder how you plan to get a discount if you already ordered them?
Can I get something for free if I can make him cry??

Okay, upping the ante. First person that calls and gets him truly upset get's 50% off of a set of springs. When he is ready to hang up tell him you want to talk to Zach and I will hook you up.

Use your imagination, just get him pissed.

You should have had a hidden camera and posted his reactions to all of this . . . .
thanks Zach!! guess it pays to piss someone off and start a cool thread! You guys should have called the shop and yelled when he answered! Now make Zachs day on friday and swamp the phone with orders and insults! Of course he will have to authorize the harrassment! What do you say Zach give the boys a second chance to redeem themselves.
So an uneventful end to a sale that never was.

It was worth a shot. I would have taken you guys for the kind that could get someone pissed. Guess I was wrong.

I will probably be at De Leon and Scheid this year. Anybody want to get together and grab a beer at the companies expense? We can call it customer appreciation.
>>>Now make Zachs day on friday <<<<<< Pay attention to the last post I made! Did you see that part!!?