Salt Lake City Drag Race Aug 7

you bet.... by the way, how is the monster pulling truck coming along?

Holy, look at that, all United pullers members looking at the thread at the same time
Well the only guy I know with gas and has a 76 ford would be Josh. If so maybe he will allow a super street diesel vs super stock gas ? I hear he has a little pull with United.

i told you to stay out of here....your gunna get a cyber woop a$$:eek:wned:
you bet.... by the way, how is the monster pulling truck coming along?

The drive line is still broken, and he has to finish fixing his power steering. He may be pulling some tricks on his truck.. But I am not at liberty to say. :gag:
hey matt. i see that you own a 12v????????????????????going to shed some light here
Is it bad that I am waiting for the can of whoopass to be opened?! :poke:

I'm totally rooting for Matt here, just because he is bad ass.. lol:cheer:
the thing we ALL have to remember is the second we put pullin tires on the big jimmy the geo metro tie rod ends are gunna buckle like.......ummm.....somthing that buckles

u know...
you can run a cut tire..and i will pull in reverse your still gunna get a woopin:shake:
Does that noisy MOFO even have reverse ? it makes a lot of noise but dont seem to go anywhere. WHEN you break my puller will tow you home and still get 12mpg doing it. :kick: