SB66 fs/ft and Haisley injectors FS/Ft


New member
Feb 11, 2012
Hey guys ok selling my almost brand new II silverbullet 66/74/14 has almost 7k miles and no hooks or drags just DD and use turbo timer its just a little bit big for my 02.. i would trade for a few different options just PM me.. FPE s363/68 would be great!

The Haisley injectors are 8x14 250+hp i had them on a bench and ran them for 6k and then swapped for lightnings for street use.. 700obo or maybe for a good set of scheids 150s 6x.12s or similar.
I have a 2nd gen style super b special if your interested....can add some cash to complete the deal.
turbo is going for another spin. injectors 500 shipped.
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