Scheid and Haisley rods for 24V Cummins..


King of the dyno
Mar 11, 2011
Does anyone know who makes the rods for those companies ?
Im just pickin at ya.

What do you mean best? The stongest? the lightest? the best design?

Haaaa. We are looking for the strongest. Although weight does matter a little since it will be going in a race truck .
Im told this is the strongest rod made
Cyclone Machine makes the strongest set, a bit on the heavy side though.
Why not go to Scheid or Haisley and purchase through them?

We called BOTH of them today and BOTH claimed they sell the best rods on the market. Neither would say who makes their rods for them. We don't mind spending the money but the Haisley's are almost $ 1000. more per set and IF they are made by the same people I see no reason to spend an extra grand.
Why would they? It's a business.

If you want the best, you have to pay for them.
We called BOTH of them today and BOTH claimed they sell the best rods on the market. Neither would say who makes their rods for them. We don't mind spending the money but the Haisley's are almost $ 1000. more per set and IF they are made by the same people I see no reason to spend an extra grand.

The people who make haisley's have already been named. But honestly Carillos would be my choice and do plenty well.