Scheid diesel extravaganza 2012

Jan 27, 2012
who alls gettin exited?!? its 24 days and counting, cant wait! see all you guys there!
hope yall got your rooms booked (the ones who are bookin em) cuz id say if ya dont by now, you probably wont get one. lol
This will be my 13th year. Started going when I was 15 when it was still just a TDR truck show and rally, my has it come a long ways since then! LOL
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Oh..... don't you hate the waiting game!!!

Jacob has one nice looking truck!!! You guys rolling down in style with their semi for their tractors??
Yeah, just need more time ugh,yeah the truck is a looker, gotta find out what classes ppl is pulling there for tractors, if they have like a light pro class we mite bring the truck and the tractor...just depends on how they are both running . If the hpop shows up we may come up to edon sat.
Thanks man, trying hard we will see what she does this weekend and next, as the s4 should be on her next weekend