SCT/Trans Question

Rob D

Get R' Done
Mar 10, 2007
Guys, my transmission had been acting up for a while now and I finally got the dealer to rehaul it - this is what they found:

intermediate and direct clutches to be burnt. They replaced the direct clutch drum and spring clutches, replaced center supprort and internal clutches overhauled solenoid body and replaced ssd and ssc solenoids, reprogrammed pcm, ficm and tcm.

I obv got a new strategy so I unlocked the SCT. I had ordered tunes from Eric @ ID with my old strategy, and am wondering if I can reload these tunes on the truck to see if the trans holds up when programmed, as it only was showing issues in the programmed state, not with stock settings.

Will it mess with anything to load tunes written for a diff strategy or is the worst that could happen is them not run correctly? I think as long as I unlocked it to get the new stock strat programmed in I should be all set but just want to make sure??
I dont think they will load if they are a different strategy... but dont quote me on that.
That sucks...Eric is out of office til July 6th hahaha - anybody else chime in...don't even want to attempt to load old tunes until I get a definitive answer.
I wouldn't do it. Hell just wait the extra week or whatever to make sure. You don't want to ruin a $1000 FICM or PCM just to run some type of tune.
I want to put a tune in not for enjoyment - for diagnostics. My transmission problems only showed when a tune was in. Therefore I do not know if the work the dealership did actually has solved the problem. Believe me bud, I do not want to ruin anything either, thus why I asked the question to begin with.
The tune is a complete file. PCM and TCM. FICM isn't touched. Loading an old file in at this point shouldn't affect it. Back when there were a few different factory FICM files it made a little difference.
Doug - did you check your PMs - I wrote you one, want to try out some of your tunes...
I saw it in there. About to go get some drinks. See what I can do when I get back.
Just got back from trying out the old tunes.

DJ's ran pretty good - shifting was still a little off when driving "normal" but shifted well under hard accleration

ID's - complete mess

my decision - transmission still isn't fixed

I am pissed off.
I had been driving it stock for a couple days after getting it back from the dealership bc I wasn't sure if I could load old tunes even after unlocking. I went from stock to innovatives first, then straight to DJs. I did not return to stock before switching from Innovatives tune to DJs though.
Ya - if you read my first post you'll see whats going on - not trying to be short just dont feel like re-typing, I appreciate your trying to help.
Well I can tell you some strategys will work in all trcuk if I am not mistaken. Hell I know YRE2 files work in alot of different trucks. Something else must be fcked if your burning direct drive clutches on a file unless you added more power adders.
Does the truck shift correctly with the stock file? If so, transmission is fixed. If the transmission doesn't shift correctly with a tune loaded into it. Then guess what... Change the tune.
Truck was running strong for 6 months on DJs tunes - changed nothing and one day the transmission just started shifting like crap. Has shifted like crap since, but is pretty good in stock form...don't think its just the tunes for that reason. Setting back to stock is just a bandaid as far as im concerned.
I have similar issues.

If you cant wait for Eric to get back, try getting one of the free tunes from spartans website and use that.

Though... I didn't like the shifting on the spartan tunes personally, but a LOT of other guys seemed to like them.