Seminars at events from vendors?

NADM Marketing

May 15, 2008
Guys - need to know???? If diesel manufacturer's gave seminars at events would any of you attend? Please sound off and let us know?

Obviously we would plan these during down times at events or before the events - say early morning or during lunch/dinner breaks?

Give us your thoughts - have a few manufacturers who would send their techs out to the events to answer questions! Most likely have a central tent where these would be held with seating.

Schied has been doing this for as long as I can remember at the Extravaganza. There is usually good info talked about and they are well attended. I have always learned something at the ones I attended.
Thanks Haloman, yeah I know Scheid does it but will they be attended at ours?

Have some vendors who want to put on small seminars!
I think it would be awsome, I would like to learn about alot of drivetrain stuff, transmission things and such.
i think it depends on what the seminar is on and what it covers.
The other thing is when would you do them, before, during, or after the event and would there be a charge?
I know I try to go to them at Schied's but usually miss 1 because of action on the track. If the a vender wants to do one I would say go ahead as long as they are not trying to tie you to people attending. The turn out will depend on several things like the weather, activities at the location, product/s they have and how much people already know about them.

The other thing is when would you do them, before, during, or after the event and would there be a charge?

Free of course! If we do them during the event then the competitors miss out unless we do them at breaks in the action. Before or after then the fans may not come to them! Compromise somewhere?
maybe have a halftime? could always work on track for a few min. let fans get food and walk around vendors sites.
I would like to attend a seminar, but likely would not have the time if I was shooting the event and there was on track activity at the same time.