She's gone to a new home.


May 2, 2006
I've been half heartedly trying to sell my truck for the past two years....well she's gone. Be living in central TX from now on.I sold it with more air than I ever ran down the track, so it will be interesting this summer.
Lots of memories with Jeff Prince and I back in San Antonio many many years ago.

If there ever is a diesel drag racing hall of fame this truck should be in it.


His son is on here but I don't know the username.

Its just time to move on with something else.
If it's in Central Texas I might run into it from time to time. If I do I'll give you updates.
IMO, That was the baddest TRUE Pro-Street Diesel truck ever in Diesel Racing. I remember watching that truck years ago at TS Clicking off 10.50's and then seeing it run through the Pits like it was out to get Grocery's. I would have to say Your truck and George's truck are the 2 baddest trucks in diesel racing. The are a testament to what diesels are supposed to be. And I thank you both for the inspiration in building my truck.
Damn Joe, one of my favorites. At least its still in Texas.
It is sad to see them go. good luck with any new projects you may have in the future Joe.

Sad to see it go buy something with just framerails and a seat. :evil
sad to see this go hopefully we will still see it at the events. now get the new project going so you can keep playing on the track!
I have to agree with tall and bald here :D

Best of luck with the next one :rockwoot:
Man Joe, I hate to see it gone. But I hope it gets some track time with the new owners.
no, he shortened the bed a little

sweet truck for sure, hope to see it racing again
He plans on racing at his local tracks in that area. I gave it to him pretty hot so it will be interesting what she does this summer.