shocks!! king worth the money?


Bleeding Diesel!
May 10, 2006
putting an Icon 4" lift on my 04 n i was wondering if king shocks or even the fox reservoir shocks were worth the money or not?

i went with rsx9000 shocks but can upgrade as i go

just not sure if you can really tell a difference with the king shocks or not just going down the highway n logging roads?
I put bilsteins on my truck and it was night and day. Granted mine is just leveled, but you get the idea. I wouldn't go too expensive if you're going to be ripping up and down logging roads.
If you off road a lot, King no doubt, but everyday usage Bilsteins or whatever other aftermarket shock will work.
The only bad thing about king, the price. There a tough shock to beat from a performance standpoint, but probably overkill for a daily driver.