Silver Bullet 64


New member
Jul 26, 2009
howdy guys....alright what im wondering is for those of you running one of these chargers how the spool up is compared to others i guess. my mods are as follows below...

Goerends TD TC and HD VB
Stock fuel plate cut and FF
AFC gutted
II DragoFlow 5x.016 injectors

i have a set of DDP 042 DV's and a 4k GSK that will going in it shortly as well as the timing advanced to around 17.5* or so... now with that being said. ive always heard of people hving issues with lag on these chargers??? is this true? i figured with what pump work im about to do..... ( 2095 Rack Plug, GSK, DV's, TT OFV.... ) that ill have apmle amounts of a brother out. mainly looking for some insight about them. ive been reading up on them but still have heard mixed reviews. any help is appreciated. thanks yall!!!:thankyou2:
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The silver 64 has a particularly big turbine wheel compared to its compressor. I'd opt for twins with the stock turbo or at least a bigger compressor than a 64.
It would spool ok if you reinstalled your AFC and tune it correctly. You would be surprised how well proper presentation of fuel makes a difference.
ya im aware of the bigger wheel...which is mainly why i was concerned. and ya i just bought the truck like that, i do intend to reinstal the AFC...but idk by the sounds of this charger there not well liked on 12v's???
I love mine but it is a little laggy when trying to pass on the highway locked up, otherwise it spools great driving around town
I have a super b special it supposedly 64.5/71/14 I have laser cut dvs 100 plate ff 4000 gsk and it spools it at 2000 rpm pretty good on interstate at 70 spools almost instantly I've hit 55 psi