Sled Pulling Songs

Can't go wrong with ac/dc thunderstruck, it is overused but a good one for action videos, but keep it quite
Here is one without music


One with music


Personally it is much easier for me to make one without music, because not only do I not have to worry about copyright issues, I also do not have to think of a song, or post a thread like this. Let the truck do the singing. Just my .02.
Depends on what's in the video if you have photos, Sponsor Info etc... The music can be great filler. I do agree depending on the song choice it can add a level of excitement I also agree that the music should fade some what while pulling videos are playing. Take for instance my 2006 video below it was tagged for copyright issues and another song was put in its place but all the formatting was removed from the music so no engine sound at all, sucks.

The feedback we have received over the years tells us that most like the music as long as they hear the motor as well.

BBD 2005

BBD 2006

BBD 2007

BBD 2008

BBD 2009

BBD 2009 (Country)

any song by pantera i venture to say...
five finger death punch bulletproof is a good candidate. or war is the answer.
Wow Scott those are some awesome videos! For some reason i really like the 2005 one. I see you pulled in Colorado at least once how often do you make it up this way. Im from Montana but would easily make the drive to Colorado to watch BBD in real life.
I really like five finger death punches remake of bad company here lately.
6000rpms by Cummins B-Series is a great tune! Only heard in once and fell in love lol. To bad i only have the 5000rpm version its good but not as good!