slick repair Qs


Dont tread on me
Mar 8, 2007
Ok, Saturday night was the mother of all race nights and nothing went right at all. Only made one real pass when I found out I had a lhole in my slick. It is just a small nail hole in the very center of the "tread". I am not running tubes, but but can I tube them, and put one of those plug patches on the inside and it be safe to race on without tearing itself a new one.... or me. Bad thing is this tire is no longer made, and Its not like I can just order 1 new one. What have you guys done when you get a flat on a slick? 33-13-15s BTW Thanks guys..:Cheer:
you should be running tubes in the first place. i have always had problems with leakage. i'd say just tube it, put in some rim screws in and don't look back. it hurts the first time you are drilling out the valve stem hole and putting in the holes for the screws the first time, but after that it isn't too bad. you will need the rim screws after you install the tubes though, because if the rum turns inside the tire, it will rip out the valve core from the tube.
Yeah the sidewall is what you have to worry about, you're done for if that happens. BTW They make 33x10.5Wx15's which are about the same size as the stuff you're running (over 11 inches tread width) bad news is they are about $250 a piece!
Didnt run it flat, and everything looks great except for the pin hole. I have ran screws before one one of the trail rigs so I aint sceeered of puting them in. I guess I will just order two tubes and give that a try. Thanks guys! :Cheer: