smarty guestion and help


Nov 26, 2008
getting a smarty w/ pod . can yall educate me on the settings and anything else about the smarty
Ditto Forrest...

POD is as simple and chosing a number between 0-99..

On the fly and takes a second if that....Try everyone...You can go from being able to Haul A$$ down to barely being able to pull itself up a small hill...And then back...Very Handy!
My 06 seems to like level 8 with timing on 3, torque 2, r/p1, w/g off
what's the reasoning for the settings? j/w

What exactly are you asking?

You mean the SW's or the POD (power on demand) settings?

SW's and the other settings control timing, rail press., Tq. mngmnt., and Duration of fuel delivery..

Once you've found a good HP setting that hands out A$$ Whoopin's, you can just turn the whole thing down (with POD) from right there to make it more friendly to drive around town or for mileage and smoke control.
would 8 with timing react the same as 9 with timing?

SW 8 supposably has more Duration than SW 9, which would somewhat explain why it makes as much power as SW 9 without the advanced timing. I've tried SW 8 on "3" timing before I had a Smarty/TST stack. It felt somewhat stronger than SW 9 on "3" timing. This is with the standard Smarty TNT R57.
getting a smarty w/ pod . can yall educate me on the settings and anything else about the smarty


Pull the Edge, or leave it on stock if you needed it for the gauges. Watch your EGTs, they are going to get pretty hot on the higher levels with a stock turbo.