Smarty SSR and Diablo predator


New member
Oct 6, 2010
has anyone stacked these together? i just got my transmission rebuilt by LCD so i know my trans will hold up to it. i was thinking about putting these two together and i was wondering if anyone had any input, thanks, zak
Not much on Diablo's stuff..Isn't that another Tuner box or is that a module?

Either way, there will be NO need to stack much of anything with SSR. Unless you just want separate control for pressure like an MP8 or Dr.P pressure module.
has anyone stacked these together? i just got my transmission rebuilt by LCD so i know my trans will hold up to it. i was thinking about putting these two together and i was wondering if anyone had any input, thanks, zak

Do it! Be the first! Make a statement! Your # 1!
SSR with everything on 50 and a TST on 9/9 would be way better than a Predator/SSR stack.
i didnt need a bunch of smart ass comments, i dont really know much about tuners, just tryin to see if its a good idea or not, thanks, to the one guy who actually posted a productive comment
your right, what was i thinking asking for help on a diesel forum website, i dont know a whole lot about programmers so i was trying to get some help, i didnt realize it was a ridiculous idea.
Have you read ANYTHING about the SSR?
Do you have ANY idea what it's capable of?
if so...WHY would you even consider stacking it with anything other than a pressure box?

If you can change every parameter possible in a plug in downloader with one device....what makes you think ADDING another one that you have no idea what it's doing will be an improvement?
i havent read everything about the ssr, my friend has one in his commonrail and its not really that fast, my 04.5 has a bullydog powerpup, afe stage 2 intake, and straight pipe, and ive beaten trucks that he doesnt beat, maybe he doesnt have his tuned right? im not sure, i was just basing my question off of the idea that the smarty ssr isnt a crazy tune, i didnt realize it was as good as you are saying because his truck is the only one ive seen in person, and as i said, its not all that impressive. i wasnt trying to offend anyone by my ignorance, im a bit new to this whole computerized vehicle thing. my other trucks i have owned have been twelve valves and this is my first truck with a computer.
Is your friend a beta tester for Marco and Smarty because that's the only people that have SSR.
It's not available for sale yet.
maybe he gave me misinformation, he told me it was an ssr, like i said, i dont know a whole lot about this stuff
now that youve told me all this information i realize how stupid of a question this was, basically my friend told me a bunch of bullsh#t so i was misinformed, sorry for wasting your time
You should slap your buddy in the back of the head for lying to you. LOL