Smarty TNT idle


Diesel Junkie
Oct 30, 2007
I updated my smarty to tnt last night and it runs great, however sometimes when a blurp the throttle it will only idle back down to 1100 rpm. i have to let the clutch out a little bit in order to get it back down to normal idle. Any ideas? I am going to change the SW setting today and see if that helps. I am running SW7 Tq3 Tm3 RPDefault. Stock injectors.
BUMP! It did not do this with regular revo or on stock programing. Changing the settings around didn't help either. Should I try reloading the program onto the smarty or should I start checking other things like the FCA?
Yeah, that was precisely the case. Changed the Tq man. to #2 and cured the problem. I sure wish they would redesign at least one version of the TNT to be 555 compatable. I like the ability to adjust certian things. Makes me miss my 12v, it almost ran cleaner than the TNT and had more power. The revo isn't to bad but it does add any considerable hp.