smoke switch?


New member
Mar 2, 2008
my buddy put a smoke switch on his 07 dodge can i do the same on a 04 6leaker
oh yeah eric's race tunes have plenty of smoke off the line, need anymore just put bigger injector. or like ride42 said take a IC boot off and u'll probably get a ticket for to much smoke.
just stick a wedge in your intake wheel. better yet, just pull your turbo off and send it to me.
Guys need to start focusing on getting rid of the smoke. I know everyone thinks its cool, but its not cool to those outside the diesel community and the EPA is tired of getting complaints and they are taking notice. We don't start policing our own, they will and I don't need or want that!
Got news for you... they already are. Why do you think our engines are as FUBAR as they are today? EGR, filters that make the air out cleaner than the air coming in? It's a big sick joke, and we're left holding the bag.

Not because it's bad for the environment that's just an excuse, but because the EPA can't stand to see anything in this country work without figuring out some method of screwing it up. Why do you think there isn't any real industry here? no steel production, no anything that might cause harm to some stupid assed butterfly or moth or some BS like that?

They hate capitalism. Period.

It's got nothing to do with a few thousand guys out of a country of how many million playing with their trucks on the weekend. Sorry, we're just not that important. Strangling the auto manufactures and American business, that's a better fish to fry.

Aurgh... man this stuff pisses me off. Sorry.

Used to be a free country... not any more. Go ahead, go out and make your smoke, enjoy it. Because at the rate we're going with congress now, you've only got less than 10 years before you'll have to ask permission to even be able to drive.

I think it's best summed up in this statement" 'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' "

you do the math.

Off the soap box
smoke was only cool the first couple times.. i've had eric rewrite my tunes several times just to get to a point where it still has plenty of power but doesn't make any smoke.
Guys need to start focusing on getting rid of the smoke. I know everyone thinks its cool, but its not cool to those outside the diesel community and the EPA is tired of getting complaints and they are taking notice. We don't start policing our own, they will and I don't need or want that!

Always funny to hear from a 12v guy.
Got news for you... they already are. Why do you think our engines are as FUBAR as they are today? EGR, filters that make the air out cleaner than the air coming in? It's a big sick joke, and we're left holding the bag.

Not because it's bad for the environment that's just an excuse, but because the EPA can't stand to see anything in this country work without figuring out some method of screwing it up. Why do you think there isn't any real industry here? no steel production, no anything that might cause harm to some stupid assed butterfly or moth or some BS like that?

They hate capitalism. Period.

It's got nothing to do with a few thousand guys out of a country of how many million playing with their trucks on the weekend. Sorry, we're just not that important. Strangling the auto manufactures and American business, that's a better fish to fry.

Aurgh... man this stuff pisses me off. Sorry.

Used to be a free country... not any more. Go ahead, go out and make your smoke, enjoy it. Because at the rate we're going with congress now, you've only got less than 10 years before you'll have to ask permission to even be able to drive.

I think it's best summed up in this statement" 'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' "

you do the math.

Off the soap box

Very well said. :clap:

and who edited Twisted Shifter's post it was a lot longer and useless
i got a smoke switch... it's foot activated underneath my dash :hehe:
nitrous will clear up some smoke if it bothers you all that much. but it's fun for the tailgaters!
thats one of the reasons i want the switch i get tailgaters all the time and its fun to smoke out the ricers