smokin around the town

I know to you all it looks like i am just a stupid kid with to much money but i happen to be responsible, this truck does not get driven everyday but its not a trailer queen, and ya when i take it out i drive it like a stole it. i am in college so my dad makes me put fuel in it so its like every blue moon i take this truck out! and thats when i blow smoke at people. i dont do it everyday. and thats were i am going to leave this at i am not going to post anything else other than that and you can say what you want about me being childish and ect ect.. but thats fine cuz i dont really care about what you think of me or what i do with me own stuff in my own time thank you all! GOD BLESS

Ok, responsibility isn't "when I take it out I drive it like I stole it."

I take it out once in a blue moon because my dad makes me put fuel in it...Read: I can barely afford to put fuel in it.

That's when I blow smoke at people...Read: I'm wasting the money I barely have, when I could have a clean performing truck and drive it twice the distance or take it out twice instead of once.

So to me, it doesn't look like you are a stupid kid with too much money. You have a nice, well performing truck. If you want to "drive it like you stole it" take it to the track, I see you went 12.0 or something close to that in your profile, so you know how to get there.

When I was 16 (almost 8 years ago now), I'll admit, I thought smoke was the coolest thing ever...back in the days when the HOT street sledpullers were infact street trucks, that could tow 15k, and no one really had diesels except the people that used them for work. Now it seems almost every month in my hometown someone else bought a diesel truck...some put cardboard of their intakes, others take out the pipe plugs in the intake manifold in the head, other throw enough fuel to spool a midsized set of compounds onto a stock turbo/stock driveline truck...It's really ridiculous. Are the local cops sideways about all of this...YES! Do I catch chit for other people's trucks, YES...Because my sticker is on the side or back of their trucks.

I almost feel the need to put my CR into SW-0 everytime I go there...They see smoke, you're getting pulled over. It just happened tonight actually to one of my friends whose truck we just got done rebuilding tonight, and he wasn't even driving like a fool (550cc's, 5x.018's, S366/S480).

So, you keep smoking out everyone, and keep thinking that this same type of thing won't happen across the nation. Because I can tell you, the general public that doesn't understand diesel performance doesn't get it, and thinks "what an asshole", or "what a POS truck", even if you are just trying to pass the car in front of you. Now apply that to someone that isn't shielded by glass and four doors, how do you think they feel about it?