Smokin' in T-Town Oct 22nd @ Tulsa Raceway

Just opened a confirmation email just now. Looks like we are playing a band gig that night outside of Crescent, OK. It is only about 10miles from my house to the party...dammit. I really wanted to go. I got free schidtt waiting on my at a buddies house in Broken Arrow too....for my truck....:(
I'm down for it Doug. I'll have my turbo done by then. Can't wait to test out new setup

Band gig confirmed that night in Crescent, OK as well as two semis coming to load hay that morning so I'm going to miss you guys. Sorry. Have a great time and go eat at Ron's for me. :D
Sweet Dex! I was actually about to text you and ask... 1 series or CR? I think a buddy of mine is gonna bring his STI out.

Want a pic of my burger Jory?LOL
Does this look familiar?

I'd just hate to break tradition!LOL

OT: I watched the Texas/OSU game with a buddy that's going to OSU, after OSU returned the KO for a TD, he goes, it would be funny if Texas ran this one back!LOL I did laugh when they did, harder than him.:hehe:
That IMO is why we'll never make a national soon as we get ahead....we stick our heads back up our ass for 20 seconds and end up loosing again. TRUE STORY!
I'll be in the one series, and i've got the JB4 tuner on the car as well. May make a few passes. If i could shift and launch it should have a high 12 in it, but the key is shifting and launching, and I'm still working on my shifting, so i'd be happy with 13's..... LOL
Looking to be a huge turnout !!! Thanks for the great support CompD !!See you guys in the am have a safe trip