Smoothing out Smooth Ride Springs....


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Well I decided I would getting the front end to ride a bit smoother with the help of the thread below and user sevnt300 and his findings. Those "smooth ride" parabolic springs I installed during the 4wd conversion really did not smooth anything out in the ride....actually I think it made it stiffer. :(

Well Sevnt300 over in this thread... ....Post #138. He has a cummins long box crew as well with these springs was not happy with the ride either. He did a lot of R&D work to finally come up with a ride he was comfortable with.

So first I had to pull apart an old set of rear springs and find two leafs that would be 34" long and allow an even 17" on each side of the center hole. Think it was the 3rd leaf up from the bottom.

One side already had a hole for the spring clamp and was 17", the other required about 3" to be cut off. Then I had to tapper the tip.

[ame=""]PICT0011_zps148c1651.jpg Photo by thrashingcows | Photobucket[/ame]

I then went down to the shop that sold me the Smooth Ride springs...they are local....and picked up some new wear tips and spring clamps.

[ame=""]PICT0012_zps526b95b7.jpg Photo by thrashingcows | Photobucket[/ame]

The rubbers that came with the new spring clamps would not work with their style, so i used some neoprene sheet I had to cut out some new ones that would.

[ame=""]PICT0014_zps3a6e3a00.jpg Photo by thrashingcows | Photobucket[/ame]

Then I had to drill three 1/2" holes in each spring. One for the wear tip, and two for the new spring clamps to lock into. I positioned the spring clamps 6" back from the wear tips.

[ame=""]PICT0013_zps6ac13aa7.jpg Photo by thrashingcows | Photobucket[/ame]

Tossed on some paint and got ready to do the swap.