Sneak peek at Diesel Television

Diesel Television - Love it or Hate it

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NHRDA President
Sep 16, 2007
Well we just got home from Florida and I got the first glimpse of The Diesel Television show that will cover the Phoenix event.

Before you all go pick it apart yes they dont have the classes right but over all give me your opinion on what you think and if mainstream America will want to tune and see more about our sport

This sneek peek will only be up for a couple of days so let me know your thoughts
LOL Why wasn't I given first crack at this!?

Oh I wasn't in it... Thank goodness! Ahahaha!
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Very professional. Sounds like a ricer at the beginning though, need a turbo or a 12 valve sound.
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I think it should open with the sound of a decent set of compounds spooling (Max'd Out would be perfect). Maybe something that explains what it is as well, i.e., drag racing with diesel powered trucks and cars, either in text or a voiceover.
Nice job. I like the fact that most of the runs we saw there are pretty clean runs as far as smoke.
Beginning sound needs to be more diesel, agreed it sounds like a Honda. Other than that it looks good.
I like it! I does need more Diesel sound in the intro. Maybe like a Pro Mod Puller bringing up rpm's at the line. That would be sweet. Looks good though.
should generate more following of the market, get shops more sales, make prices higher for everyone.

my prediction, a peak and die market like choppers and fast and the furious era
Overall good vid. I would suggest like others say to axe the gas motor at the begining and add at least one vehicle lifting the front end and wrinkling tires on a hard launch.