So. Cal Pull - June 14th - Who is in?

I'll be there with those weights you requested Craig, just gotta get my "new" spooled dana 80 back under the truck in the morning and I'll be headin' over. See everyone tomorrow....

Just want to say thanks to all of you who are working so hard to get your trucks ready and come out to make this a great pull. If you all could see how crazy Craig is trying to get this all together.:bang:woohoo: Ha! Tom knows, don't ya Tom.
I just don't want those spare weights on my floorboard or in the bed, make sure they go on the front.

And I am serious about that too.
If its still underweight without the extra weights, then fill up the fuel tank.
And I am serious about that too.
If its still underweight without the extra weights, then fill up the fuel tank.

Calm down TBone, I will take care of the all nighter, don't worry. I have a bunch of weight coming for all kinds of people. Wish you were here buddy. See you in a few.

down to the wire to say the least....almost lost my pulling tires on the way to LA, then it took me 11 hours of driving to get to LA due to the idiot trucker who flipped his rig and caused the big hazmat spill on the grapevine. oh did i mention its almost midnite and the truck barely gets out of its own way????

but i guess that still beats missing the event. sorry you couldn't make it Tom..
these flights are never fun.


Have a safe flight Tom, and hurry home... not that you have any control over that lol

down to the wire to say the least....almost lost my pulling tires on the way to LA, then it took me 11 hours of driving to get to LA due to the idiot trucker who flipped his rig and caused the big hazmat spill on the grapevine. oh did i mention its almost midnite and the truck barely gets out of its own way????

but i guess that still beats missing the event. sorry you couldn't make it Tom..

Jeez Nick... be careful out there and I hope it gets back together in time, definitely wanna see you there with a working truck!!

except when the female FA is hot and likes you and your single :hehe:

Come on dude… You know that never happened. Just be honest, maybe to a guy you know or a TV show you saw one time but not to you. Just admit it.
Come on dude… You know that never happened. Just be honest, maybe to a guy you know or a TV show you saw one time but not to you. Just admit it.

hasnt happend since i came out to LA. be fore that.. different story...

that happend in 02 on a flight to bahrian from guam.
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This event seemed like it had a good turn out. I had fun, hopefully it continues in the future. It was nice only driving an hour or so going home vs. four or five. It was to bad the only broken truck had to be the driven by the person who lives the farthest away... Just bad luck.

She should make it back OK, IIRC, just the front driveshaft snapped. Heck, she should even get a bit better mileage back. While that sucks, there was actually very little carnage.

Very good event, thanks out to Betty Sutherland and Craig Johnson for helping make this a great event.
Yeah.... I hooked, and pulled 144ft. Not happy with that, and wanting to know if it was me babyin the truck... or if it was something with the new converter, I asked Brian Masetti if we could hook again, and let Joel drive it, so that he could tell what was up with it.

When I hooked, I built about 15lbs of boost. Joel got up to about 20lbs, and didn't move off the line. The front u-joint snapped and hit Brian Massetti in the knee (thank God not a foot north of that lol), and cracked the transfer case... so no driving it for me.

It's going to stay down here at Betty's shop, and myself, or someone, will be coming back to get it Monday or Tuesday, to try and get it back up to Redding for Joel to fix before the Rally.

A HUGE thanks to Sara Colesanti for loaning the use of their tow rig and trailer, to Craig Johnson for hauling my truck down to Betty's. To Joel for the help getting the truck loaded and in advance for helping to get it ready for the Nor Cal Diesel Rally, and to Scott and Dana Vorhees for taking me home!

Nick and the Dow brothers, thanks for trying to figure out a way to get me home on a trailer, but chit happens, it'll all work out fine.

Thanks guys! I couldn't keep coming to events if it weren't for people like y'all
sorry to hear about that Ang---been there, but all these diesel guys and gals are good folk and that's comforting to know when you need help---chris