So I was too cheap to renew my TDR membership...


That guy
May 6, 2010
Hey guys, I am a 8+ year member of TDR and I am too cheap right now to renew my membership over there, plus activity seems to be way on the decline.

I know a few of the members here personally, just signed up tonight though.

I have a 97 12valve that's swapped to a 47RE, fairly stock but I have a bottle here waiting for install *nx* It did 534/1093 on a phat shaft 62, a set of Don Ms and that's about it...

My girlfriend has an 05 GMC 2500HD that's mostly stock except EFIlive with DSP5, it did 453/750 at MDTDC spring fling this year. Both trucks are a perpetual work in progress.

We have 2 TDI Jettas also, and I just sold my 99 6 speed dodge to a friend.
Welcome to CompD!

I can't imagine paying to be a member of a forum. The right forums don't ask for that kinda stuff.
Come on bro. The weather won't get any better.
You know the b/s is gonna happen.
sorry to Jack this thread. (no i'am not)
yeah, youngsters don't know what's up w/ TDR, but it was THE place to be... for YEARS... everything else was uhh... like the "other" forums :eek:
Welcome you aren't that far from me in Blue Ball.

Nope, right up the road, I usually do Trailside for fuel runs (everything we have except our rockcrawler is diesel...) I am actually in Elverson, but nobody has any idea where that is, lol
I got my start on TDR and I loved it, so some youngsters do. Moved over here after it expired.

Welcome to the site.
Very very correct... I actually let my TDR subscription run out 3 years ago, but I renewed when I bought my 24valve... Well, I've since sold the 24valve, and once again realized the TDR forums are about dead, so I let it drop again... I remember when I'd click "new posts" each night and it was 8+ pages, now it's rarely more than 1 or 2


yeah, youngsters don't know what's up w/ TDR, but it was THE place to be... for YEARS... everything else was uhh... like the "other" forums :eek:
Welcome neighbor! I'm just up the pike from you, a few hundred yards off exit 201. :welcome: