So Pissed I Can't See Straight!!!


May 11, 2009
Does anyone know how to get a hold of Mike at M&J Tool, the monster pump guy. It's obvious now that he is avoiding my calls! I have called incesently now for three months. I have varied the time of day, even calling on weekends and the middle of the night! I would leave him alone if he would just give me Redline box back. He "modified" my Redline box, then it wouldn't do anything. I sent it back 3 months ago and he said he would either fix mine or send me one that worked. Can anyone help? I have two numbers but he won't answer either. All I know is if I have to drive six hours to get my box I'm going to get more than my Redline!:kick:
boy there sure are a lot of monster pump mike hate stories like this? you would think he would have learned by now to be on the up and up side of life.
Yeah, you'd think. Do a search if you don't know. I've double checked on a few folks from CompD here when doing business, found out every time they were awesome folks to deal with. Search search search! :)
Where's he located?
Northern Ohio. Fayette to be exact. Look I know he's busy, but we're all busy! I thought we were buds the way he would send me different parts to try out for free or close to it. Anyway, I don't want to p-pump my truck to be competitive but in retrospect at least I know where to find my mechanic when things get dicey. He's across town! What really sucks is Mike's stuff works. I just can't see not answering the phone just because you don't want to deal with a problem you caused.
Thanx I got his cell and office #s. I have even called when I know he's on the fone cus it doesn't go straight to answering machine! It just rings and rings. In the past when this happened he would recognize the no. and call me back, but not for past few months. It's obvious he's avoiding me. I don't care I just want my property back. I will blow him up on every forum on the interenet if he doesn't respond soon! I sold a lot of monster pumps for him with the way my truck ran and the advertising and good word I put out there. Oh well, I'm sure I'm not the first.:doh:
Thanx I got his cell and office #s. I have even called when I know he's on the fone cus it doesn't go straight to answering machine! It just rings and rings. In the past when this happened he would recognize the no. and call me back, but not for past few months. It's obvious he's avoiding me. I don't care I just want my property back. I will blow him up on every forum on the interenet if he doesn't respond soon! I sold a lot of monster pumps for him with the way my truck ran and the advertising and good word I put out there. Oh well, I'm sure I'm not the first.:doh:

Try calling from a number he won't recognize.
just called , he answered said the box should be worked on by chip.
why does it take some other than the person having the problem to get thew to him ,,,
oh sorry, i was talking to him while i was typing. he answered the phone and said he would prefer i have bluechip work on it. he said he had a few there at his shop and had alot of parts for the redline, blah, blah. i just really wanted to see if he'd answer the phone.
I called 8 times tonight. It's obvious he's avoiding me. I fhe will answer for you maybe you can tell him to send Micah's Redline back. I know it's broke. I will send it to Chip myself. I just want my property back!
PM me his member id name please. Or list it on here if you like. Any help getting my Redline box back is appreciated.
Thanx you all who have helped me. Still no Redline and no call back. Just as I expected. Guess I'm just going to have to go about this a different way.
Guess I'm just going to have to go about this a different way.

370 miles=6 hours or less to get parts back in person.....Nuff Said

On Edit....
I wasn't going to ask this but after considering the way you went about this post I feel its a valid question that other may have also.We know how upset you are about your "property" having not been returned as we see it in your writing.

You also mention that you felt your two were "buds" and he sent you parts at a reduced rate and/or for free to "test" for him.Since we all here know that there is a inherent cost that is associated with free "test" parts I ask,have you returned all of his items yet that need to be returned and could this be the other side of why your box is not returned yet and phone calls unanswered?....

I am not sticking up for him as I know how much discontent this guy has caused many members here but we all know that there are two sides to every story and only one is shown here.........Andy
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Valid question and I see your point. I just didn't post too many facts on here because I didn't want to drag his (or anyone elses) name through the mud too much! You want the straight story I will give it to you.
I bought a monster pump and injectors from Mike maybe a year and a half ago. Since then I have been through six (6) inj. pumps. Mike warranteed all of them. One pump was a free upgrade. He told me that he was warranteeing everyones pump this way. As long as it didn't have a lot of miles on it (don't drive my truck only pull it) or something mechanically was wrong with the truck and broke his pump. This last pump has run well and STRONG!
Then he wanted to tweak my Redline box. He did and it didn't run any better but didn't break in two seasons of pulling! Anyone who has ever run a Redline knows this is an accomplishment! He still thought it should have more power because my dyno numbers were a little low. So I sent the box to him earlier this year. He made internal upgrades and sent it back to me. It acted like it was working but no rpm or smoke. I sent it back and he confirmed it was messed up. He worked on it for a while and said he couldn't figure it out. He said he had someons elses (a buddy) Redline lying around the shop he would send me to get me through the last couple of pulls of the season. Never got that box and he hasn't answered the phone since then.
On a side note, every pull I went to since I have used his pump I have worn his t-shirt and pushed his stuff for him. Not a lot to some people, but I know he got a ton of phone calls and sold some pumps because of me.
Are we even? Do you think he should be able to keep my Redline box because of warranteeing my pump so much. I went through ALL the pumps in a six (6) month period, except for the last upgraded pump he did in Feb this year.