So who would be at fault if this turned ugly?


Ceritified Kleenex Dealer
Aug 3, 2006

Is it the spectators fault for putting themselves in harms way, the track crew for not moving the people back, the flag man for waiting too long to flag him, or the driver who doesn't feel the need to let out as people scramble to get out of his way?
Bunch of Fuk Tards right There!!!

GTF outta the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF did you see the flagger just kinda sitting there like hmm maybe if i turn my head it wont happen and i wont get in trouble.... I would say they are all @ fault. There is no way anyone besides the officials and the driver should be that close to the trace the drive is a fuggin moron I guess when he sees that his truck has pulled to the left and sets his sights on the spectators he figures he can get more points if he hits them as well then dont even get me started on that retarded flagger seriously wtf
i thinks its a combo of everyone

X2....but we all know common sense never prevails in a court of law. *bdh*

"F*tards" I think sums it up. :D

That flag man aught to have a boot shoved up his ass too.
The flagger did not even try to stay in front of the truck, he did wave the flag at him, AFTER he was past him already. What can you expect, it is WV. :what::hehe:
Well, I'd say it was the fault goes in this order...Number 1, the event organizer, letting the people that close to the track WITHOUT a barrier. Number 2 the flagger, for not stopping him a HELL of a lot sooner. Number 3, the driver for knowing he's already off the track, and should of stopped. Number 4, the people for the lack of common sense. However, if they were not told where they could or could not falls back on number 1 if someone got hurt.
Hey now I don't resemble those people. Them boys are from the southern part of the state. They like the drugs down there.
I love how the people just stand there,can you imagin if the truck broke free from the sled
Usually they're a bit more concerned about safety at Putnam Co. I'm not sure what the deal was that night, but Brian usually would've stopped short in that situation. He's broken front end parts before, and taken off to the left like that. Maybe that's what happened this time too, and he didn't realize it til it was almost too late?
Almost looked like it ran away for sec there. I dont see anyone staying in it that long after breaking something and going almost into the crowd.