South Bend clutch installed


New member
May 11, 2006
Well, I finally saved my pennies and got a South Bend single mass flywheel with a single ceramic disk clutch. I started things Sunday night, figured I'd take it slow and easy so when the clutch got here I'd be ready to install. Over Sun and Mon night I got all the old stuff out and ended up with some free time which I devoted to waxing... That's another story though.

Today the clutch arrived via UPS so around 2:30pm I started the reinstall. Got done and ready for the test drive by 5:00pm. There were no leaks and the SBC performs flawlessly so far. There is slight gear rollover noise at an idle, but if I bump it up to 800 via high idle it goes away.

If you have a ZF6 equiped truck and are holding off on this because you don't think you're ready yet I'd recomend doing it. It's amazing what a difference a good clutch and flywheel make on driving enjoyment.

I ended up replacing the slave cyl for $139, the trans/transfercase gasket+transfercase output seal for $60, and the clutch for $1187 delivered. So for a grand total of under $1400 I have the drivetrain from the engine back good to go for as long as I can drive the pickup for. Like I said before, Well worth it IMO!

I got the clutch from John@ I'd highly recommend John to anyone thinking about buying a clutch.
Update: 1000 miles later with a small self made tow/econ tune and some heavy towing I couldn't be happier! Once the transmission gets warmed up good the rattle mostly goes away. Even cold it's not bad anymore. At first it was somewhat jerky... It still can be, but it has gotten much better. The only time it jerks is when I try to slip it to much from a stop. It won't slip so far. I hauled some hay today (28K GCVW) and it wasn't a problem. I can use my lowend power now without fear of slipping the clutch.