South Bend Sucks

I have no issues with my South Bend triple the new updated disc are the ticket.
Oh and great customer service too.:clap:
I see these threads from time to time and I'd just like to say that they would never deter me from buying a SB clutch. I've had several and was treated like a valued customer every time.

I have put a little over 30,000 miles on my sb 3600 DD and havent had one problem. i have been to the track numerous times doing 3rd gear boost launches with 37in tires and it has never slipped once.
Sounds great. Been wanting to do some tuning. There's a shop 10 miles up the road from me. Same shop I put down 825hp 2yrs ago.

You have a very good running truck just dont get ahead of yourself claiming big HP. I also was under the asumption you were running a single charger like most of the guys you pull with. I stand corrected sir.
I'm not claiming big HP just stating what she does. 900HP. There are plenty of guys making more power than me. Just letting Peter know he was talking to the wrong guy. That's the only reason I mentioned my HP.
Few things I noticed in this thread that should be blatantly obvious, but for some reason don't seem to be to some people.

1. The guy swapped clutches and the problem(s) dissapeared... So OBVIOUSLY what he was doing with the truck wasn't the problem. The particular clutch in question was. Everything about mode of operation, setup and all else need not apply as he plainly stated that immediately after switching to the haisley all was well, and has remained that way.

2. I don't think he is necessarily interested in the service offered by the guys at South Bend. Sounds like that was actually a non-issue to be honest. I'm sure they offered to help, and I'm sure as with anything, at some point you just can't actually fix the problem with what you've got, in which case the customer must look elsewhere. Which is exactly what he stated. Said his contact at South Bend TOLD him he didn't know what else to do. Period. End of story. Now I wouldn't have personally made this thread about it after that, or at least not in this fashion, but the fact remains, the guy had apparently exceeded the capabilities of South Bend and moved onward and upward elsewhere and his problems have been left behind.

3. For anyone making good power breaking parts there will be around 234,123,981 people making dick for power NOT breaking those same parts who are more than willing to tell us all about how they can routinely get ____ miles or ____ years out of the same parts without fail. Whopedy doo.

4. 99.999% of people have never TRIED multiple products in order to be ABLE to give worthwhile feedback on the comparative operation of any particular one. These people are often times blissfully ignorant of how bad their junk sucks. Yet these same people are the most adamant to tell us all about how awesome ____ is.

And as an aside, I have personally talked to the guys at South Bend both over the phone and in person and know first-hand that they will work to make a good product and stand behind one. And I don't think that dedication to service is at all in question here, nor the point of the thread. So if the regurgitation minions could cease and desist it would be beneficial.

Just observation.
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I've heard descent things about the singles but everyone I know that has a double and is making GOOD power and actually drives them hates them. I don't know about anyone else but I put a clutch in my truck to use it, not baby it. If I'm going to spend the kind of money that South Bend over charges then I would expect it to hold up no matter how hard I drive it especially a triple. I thought I liked my SB clutches too until I went to Haisley. Like most other guys I didn't know any better until I switched. Just trying to warn some guys looking to put in double or triple disc.

I hope you have better luck with yur Haisley comp puller clutch than I did. Mine lasted 4 hooks before the pressure plate destroyed itself. The plate came apart in two spots,bent one of the weighted fingers and bent one of the mounting studs. Van said the clutch had been abused in the 4 pulls the clutch had on it?? He told me it looked like I was pulling 300+ feet in 6th gear turning 5 grand + down the track with 4.10 rear gears???
Few things I noticed in this thread that should be blatantly obvious, but for some reason don't seem to be to some people.

blah blah blah.....

3. For any one making good power breaking parts there will be around 234,123,981 people making dick for power NOT breaking those same parts who are more than willing to tell us all about how they can routinely get ____ miles or ____ years out of the same parts without fail. Whopedy doo.


blah blah blah

Just observation.

Very nice. :clap: I'm one of the 234,123,981 folks, but I really like my SBC for what it is worth.
I have ran SBC in trucks i had in the past in i wont sell or install anything but a SBC. Peter stand behind his product in goes out of his way to make thing's right. I know where my business will be staying. SBC all the way.
Very nice. :clap: I'm one of the 234,123,981 folks, but I really like my SBC for what it is worth.

Stock clutches work real good too. How many hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them do you suppose are out there giving zero trouble? The clutch in my 550 is bone stock and after pulling 20 to 30,000+ gross for over a decade I guess it's super bad ass?

Maybe the op should get one of those.

Oh wait.... his truck actually makes power. Nevermind. Maybe he needs a bunch more clutch than me, and you apparently. So if the guys at the stealership have top-notch customer service, and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of trucks out there running perfect with stock clutches should he just keep smoking stock clutches out? Or can we accept that they can't help this guy out, even if they're the best guys ever and make a good product?

See how that works?
Charles hit the nail on the head. All I'm saying is don't jump on the South Bend band wagon. TALK TO SEVERAL GUYS WHO HAVE ACTUALLY TRIED OTHER CLUTHES as well as South Bend and that are making real power and see what they say. As I said before I used to be a loyal South Bend customer. But that was before I knew any different. They were always more than happy to sell me new clutches or upgrade for and additional cost. I always talked to Mansul. Maybe that was my problem. Maybe I should have delt with Peter. But after going thru 2 doubles and a triple, that they said was indestructable, I was done. They even bragged that Big Bad Dodge was running their triple. Well apparently it wasn't working for him either because he's running a Crower now. Maybe the thread title was a little harsh. But after wasting all these years running their crap and thinking "Oh well I guess all doubles and triples are like this" ;then seeing how well Haisley's stuff performs I get pretty pissed. That's all I have to say about that. This thread has already taken up too much time.
Stock clutches work real good too. How many hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them do you suppose are out there giving zero trouble? The clutch in my 550 is bone stock and after pulling 20 to 30,000+ gross for over a decade I guess it's super bad ass?

Maybe the op should get one of those.

Oh wait.... his truck actually makes power. Nevermind. Maybe he needs a bunch more clutch than me, and you apparently. So if the guys at the stealership have top-notch customer service, and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of trucks out there running perfect with stock clutches should he just keep smoking stock clutches out? Or can we accept that they can't help this guy out, even if they're the best guys ever and make a good product?

See how that works?

get out of here with that thare "logic", wizard man before we burn you at the stake!!! :mad:
Man I hope your Haisley Clutch doesn't do this:


I wish you all of the luck.
Peter has been extremely helpful with any issues i ever had with my clutch and with some that weren't mine.. nothing but good things to say
LMFAO at RickFox's post. I bet the OP has a sh!tty taste in his mouth now.:hehe: I don't care who builds what, any part, OEM or aftermarket, everything has a breaking point or stands a chance that it could have had a poor cast, mill, or billet. SH!T HAPPENS!
I've seen SB's fail where a stock clutch will hold. In 2 separate trucks and drivers.

Also seen a pile of burnt SB's at a local clutch shop.
ive tried 3 clutch vendors and you see who i run and trust, sbc!
I've seen SB's fail where a stock clutch will hold. In 2 separate trucks and drivers.

Also seen a pile of burnt SB's at a local clutch shop.

I've seen people that could destroy an anvil...

my SBC clutches always held more than they were rated for, and I've always gotten excellent customer service from South Bend :eek: