Speakers to overpower exhaust?

unbroken: ya alot of those big players from back in the day have really sold out and forgot about where they came from, sad. i like the hi-fonics (maxxsonics's) they have always built a fairly nice product, i use to use them on the competition circuit(USACi) and so did alot of other guys. they are a good blue collar amp not too pricey, they can handle the low ohms well, rarely overheat(not saying they wont but i have never seen it, it is hot as hell when that sun is shining through the glass during the summer) and put out decent power. those 1500's i have really push my 12's well. i have used alot of different amps, have not found many that can compare to the hi-fonics. but there is alot of nicer stuff on the market as well.
Adjust a click at a time til it's not so bright? I've tried to play with the equalizer on the head unit, but it seems to be more dull than softening the high pitch.
That's more than enough info.
If it were me I'd start looking for a used JL Slash 300/4

Not to side track the thread but. Rich you like the slash series better then the HD's , i ask because ive been thinking about swapping out my zapco's studio whites for some HDs. I was looking at the 900/5 and 1200/1 in HDs?
I don't like class D amps like the HD's on anything but subs.
Personal preference...you may love them.
Try to listen to the same speakers on both...with your own test CD, not whatever the store wants to play for you.