Speed Limiter


resident quack
Oct 19, 2010
Having problems with my truck shutting off at the stock speed limiter. Running a smarty s06 POD. I had the older TNT file and has always worked perfect. Then one day I was messing around and noticed my truck would shut off at 110 mph. I checked my smarty options and sure enough it was still set at 150mph. I returned it back to stock, loaded the new TNT-R and reloaded it back on the truck with the same options as before. Still no bueno. Where do I need to be looking? I called a certain smarty guru and got talked to like an idiot. Apparently I have a bad speed sensor, or I'm hitting the rev limiter(even though I've hit 130+ on gps before). I have no codes, and my speedometer works perfect. Help me out here fellas, I wanna go to the track. After that phone conversation, I can for sure say that EFI live has never looked so good. What awesome customer service...
Issue resolved. Ran a recovery file then reloaded TNT-R. Works fine now.