stall speed?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
how do you know what stall speed will be best for you? putting an auto in my truck and idk what to go with...
need more info on truck and what you want to do with it.

what turbo do you run, what gear ratio, are you going to sled pull, tow (light/heavy), DD or what?

Fill that in and then you can get some answers. Whose auto tranny will you go with?
It's a 99 ram stock trubo now but will be upgrading to a 66 single it's just going to be a week end drag racer and something I drive for fun has 3.54 gears right now I'm leaning towards with gorend or one from Dans diesel
Call Goerends or whom ever you want to do the transmission with. They usually have a lot better reasoning with what to go with. My guess would be 1700-1900.