Steering box


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I have a 2000 3500 4x4 qclb with 483k and steering box finally took a crap. What's the best box to replace it with? I love this trick and don't mind paying for the best steering box. Opinions and experiences welcomed. I want the next box to last another 400k. Thanks in advance!!!
Call Gavin. I think I remember seeing him post about putting one on his.

Yep i put the hole kit on mine. Box, shaft, pump, lines. Now it steers to easy.
Could just get a factory replacement since yours lasted that long...
Could just get a factory replacement since yours lasted that long...

I just like to upgrade parts that fail if ones available. Besides I don't think you can get these new anymore, just "rebuilt", and I've heard horror storys on those
Cat992, I called that Jeep shop in Cincinnati and he said he'd do the complete kit for $820 so I'm going to get one. Cheapest one I've found.

Individual breakdown was
Box 470
Shaft 214
Pump 147
Hoses 90

Complete kit 820

I'll text/pm you his info.
I put a Borgeson on mine a few months ago with the shaft and box brace it made a world of difference. I didn't think my truck would ever steer as good as it does now.
I put a Borgeson on mine a few months ago with the shaft and box brace it made a world of difference. I didn't think my truck would ever steer as good as it does now.

Yep all I have left is the borgeson. And I've got about a 1/8 to 1/4 inch of play in the wheel when engine off, and no play when on... If that makes sense