Stock clutch...abuse?


New member
May 24, 2013
So I've been running around smarty lvl 6 and seems to be holding fine for now...gets a little stinky when you play to much. Just wondering if anyone did any 1/4 with the stocker and how long did it last?
Mine was trash, bit a buddy dyno'd 490 on a stocker drove the wheels off of it for a year and it never slipped. No drags but a lot of playing on the street.
Its not gonna last. Upgrade. I don't know about an 03 but I could slip a 12v clutch with just a fuel plate.
I tried to do a boosted launch with stock and it slipped more than a deer on ice.
After I had replaced leaking connector tubes I very soon (within 1 week) broke the center out of the stock clutch with my quad turned up merging on the highway. It'll leave you stranded and unexpectedly spending $ you didn't want to at the moment. I recommend soon getting a clutch that suits your future goals.
My 03 dyno'd 473 would last about 12 passes at 14.3et. Lots of street racing also. I replaced the stock clutch about 1 a month for a year straight.
My 03 on lvl 8 just pulling trailers bumper and gooseneck and occasional race has 143k on it and holds fine. Just gotta drive it right.
Ha wtf?! I must have a damn good stock clutch LOL I just pulled my gooseneck with the pull truck and ranger this weekend bout 18k total on lvl 8 like a champ.
Lifetime warranty.. Its free after the first one! Might as well play...
that shows your intelligent level

I ordered a dual disk sb clutch they sent a single disk. Then they sent a g56 dual disk then a nv5600 dual disk with a nv4500 flywheel so just got. That ate up about six months fighting with Laguna speed trying to get the right one. My intelligent level may not be high high but I bought my first house at 18. Must be a tad bit smart to save money being a high school kid.