Stuck between a rock and a hard spot


New member
Mar 26, 2007
Here is my delema.... If you have not read my block is bad because of several things. My question is i have over $26,000 in my hunk of dodge not including the price I paid for it. I have a friend that can fix it for between 1,500 and 2,500 (price pending on the block). Or my friend will buy everything trans blown engine big brother turbo jammer 5 injectors haisley machine race injector pump race cam and several more items and give me 4,000 and give me a stock 91 engine with a P-pump triple disc converter and valve body with billet input shaft. So pretty much my truck will be stock. Im 26 and married and have a 1.5 year old boy. Do I give up and just drive a normal truck what should I do? Loose all that money? :eek:
Holysmoke said:
Here is my delema.... If you have not read my block is bad because of several things. My question is i have over $26,000 in my hunk of dodge not including the price I paid for it. I have a friend that can fix it for between 1,500 and 2,500 (price pending on the block). Or my friend will buy everything trans blown engine big brother turbo jammer 5 injectors haisley machine race injector pump race cam and several more items and give me 4,000 and give me a stock 91 engine with a P-pump triple disc converter and valve body with billet input shaft. So pretty much my truck will be stock. Im 26 and married and have a 1.5 year old boy. Do I give up and just drive a normal truck what should I do? Loose all that money? :eek:

Well kinda in the same boat. I'm 26 married and have a boy that just turned 2.
My family comes first, even though I love my truck, it is always on the back burner. I just try to build it on the (Cheap). Not half ass anything, but try to find Quality items/parts used or make some type of deal. I have a order in which I am trying to build it and it might be a long time from now until it's where I want it, but hay... I always have something to look forward to.

$.02 Eric
spend the 2-3k and get "your" truck back where it was...... I think we would all agree that family comes first but what's life if you don't enjoy it?
i right there with ya. im 28, married, and our lil girl just turned 11 weeks friday. we knew our budget was tight before. i bought my truck when i was making good money. the money slowed down. now, when we consider baby expenses then add day care, we just cant do it. something has to go. were still upside on my wifes car so my truck (also being the most expensive payment) gotta go. the same week my baby was born, i spent 4100 to get my truck running. well, i didn't need the headers but everything else had to be purchased.
The bad new is she dont know about the truck yet. Im still in iraq and a friend is tearing it apart as we speak. I dont know what to tell her. we just bought our first home it has no grass that would be nice to have. I need ot tell her soon what is going on. I go home in 19 days not sure what she will say if I aint driving my truck. If any body has some cheap blocks lying around let me know.
I would really try and fix what you have.... try and find a way. I think you will lose out by unloading, as you will have to start over again...... Sucks. Hopefully somethingb will turn up
Let it sit.

Is the truck paid for? Park it. Fix it when you can afford it. If its not paid for, you should not have let your friend break it.
I think you should wait till you can look things over to make a decision.
Family first, toys 1st and a half.
Well I told her it went over like a turd in a punch bowl. I cashed out! He is giving me the 4 grand a ATS triple disc race valve body billet input shaft, a rebuilt stock 91 engine witha P-pump, O-ring head and 12 mm head studs. Now we are getting a yard at our new house I need to save oney and build on on the side slowly. thanks for the input I already regret but now my son has grass to play on I love my family.