
i'll be there to watch, lol. its gonna kill me to watch but o well. i never did worth a crap there anyways.
The only truck class at Vanderburgh this year will be the Midwest 2.6 class. They're not having the open truck class like years past.
I loved this pull last year it was a awsome time! and yea 2.6 is what it was last year.. I ran a "coustom" 2.6 cover!
Im comming down there too. Try the new set up, we went from an automatic to a 5 speed, and we are trying the new stand-a-lone system for the commonrail.
Im comming down there too. Try the new set up, we went from an automatic to a 5 speed, and we are trying the new stand-a-lone system for the commonrail.

Thought you was going to a 12v, the way you talked back last fall and going up to 2.8 or 3.0.
Ya i realized that i might as well wait till i blow this motor cuz we would have had to pull it anyway to put a 12v in it. So we went to a stand alone system, 5-speed, electric fans, electric water pump, and harmonic balancer. Ive got a 2.6 and a 2.8 charger. Im gonna see how it runs, i dont know if a CR will be able to keep up in a 2.8 class. So ill probly stay in the 2.6 class. But yes WHEN i blow the motor in will put a 12v in it and go 2.8 or 3.0
Well hope to see you back in it before long Ben, I dont know that im going to have mine done before Sturgis so i may be watching of hookin my DD.
Any word on rules yet?

X2 gonna be on the road quite a bit and wanna make sure they don't throw any crazy new rules in like they seem to do last min every year...especially safety stuff so i can get it on the 6.4