Super Street rules ??


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Nov 16, 2006
I know this has been talked about before but I am going to bring it up again. Why can't you do away with the no hood stack rule. and the fuel cell placement rule.
Last year when I built my truck to run in the Outlaw Super Stock class I built it with racing the Super Street class in mind too. I left the stock tank in place but went with a Hood stack to save weight as my truck still is about 400# too heavy for that class. Then I find out you put in the rules no hood stacks so I don't fit in . I am too heavy for Pro Street and going to fast for 11.90 index.
I know of several trucks that have fallen though the cracks because of these two rules and would love to race in Super Street but don't want to change their trucks back and forth to compete in different organizations classes.

I think these two rules are irrelevant in th
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