Switch To An Auto....

97' CTD

Jun 4, 2007
Just thought it would be fun....
Any Pros or cons from someone who has tried both?
I think you will always have people wishing they had the opposite. One thing is the auto eats more HP than a manual. The auto typically has one speed to hit for the target. If you have lots of coin there are some options to help that.
pulling i have heard manual is the way to go!
as for drag racing auto is the way to go!
I think the real promblem is: will the rules let you change gears in an auto?

Auto would be more forgiving on turbo sizing I think.
auto are better in the street or 2.6 class and then i think they dont like the power over 1000 hp
brandon i wouldnt switch. i have 3 hooks with 5 speed and love it . i think it turned my truck around. i figured out it dont run very good when its running out of fuel.:bang
yea moved my pump up when i switched tranny. so it was suckn air got it home put 5gal fuel in it runs like a champ! that really sucked to screw up at this event but o well:Cheer::bang
don't go with an auto put that money into the bottom end. big bore kit and billet cam
depends on what power range your shooting for you get a big turbo and its hard to spool up sometimes with an auto, thats why most mod and supermod pretty much have manuals