Tentative Sled Pulling Schedule, CA

We tried to get bigger pay outs years ago, even before you began Tom, with no sucess as you learned with the DPO Crap. When I get tired of trying something and it continully doesn't work I always look for alternatives in my case I chose to work up a good sponsorship package and program to bring in additional monies for habbit it helps a lot and if it wasn't for them I would have done years ago.

As far as having brush pulls (no county fairs) and big pay outs that ain't gonna happen. The pay outs come from or should come from large crowds of spectators and the promoter dedictaes a certain percentage from the gate fees, hook fees, etc.. on the other hand it would also be harder to get sponsors if your pulling in a corn field. If your at a brush pull remeber that the promoter needs to pay his staff, fuel, lodging, equipment maintence, etc....big pay outs a brush pull would require big entry fees and then loose pullers.

That is just the way I was looking at it.
What we need on the west coast is a pull series. A DIESEL TRUCK PULL SERIES. The same sled, the same track and NOT a local fair. There should be pull-offs and purse money, and then at the end of the season, a championship purse.


I am definately all for a series. Not that I am a full on supporter of the "new" DHRA but having a series in Utah is that last place I would think they should hold a series. I can guarantee there will be more trucks out here attending a series than Utah. Once NADM really gets rolling maybe they could afford to hold a series out here. Man, if I wasn't sittin' so pretty out here in Cali, I would just move to Indiana.
Maybe we can get together with Mike & Steve Lewis to get a series going as most of their events are @ Newman. There is your same sled and same track, but for sure there is the money/payout issue. Would be nice to have a winning/placing payout to at least pay for the fuel up there and back. I think my last trip up there was about $250 in fuel round trip. How can we get more trucks and people to attend the proposed Newman Pulling Series?.......shoot! Almost forgot about the gasser competitors that would need a payout as well. Those guys put just as much time and money into their trucks and travel as we do.

In the Pacific tractor puller association (PTPA) the gassers do get paid, Each super stock truck that shows up and pulls gets a certain amount of money, I don't really remember how much but it was a pretty good amount, they don't have a purse or anything, it's show up and you are garunteed money. Maybe we could work something out with the ptpa to get a purse for the diesel class, because at Bakersfield I talked to Albert Mendes (O.G. truck) and he said he was starting a diesel series with them and you had to be a member and make a certain % of there 12 pulls or whatever it was that they had scheduled to qualify for the points and possibly purse.
I know Albert had gone to the meeting and I was in contact with him before I left about the PTPA. Do they have classes set now?

he said he was starting a diesel series with them and you had to be a member and make a certain % of there 12 pulls or whatever it was that they had scheduled to qualify for the points and possibly purse.

Don't mean to be a negative Nanci but I heard that years ago as well Brandon tried to get it started.

Its kind of funny there pull at Cal Poly has every class but the diesel 4x4's....

I thought most of us were skipping any future PTPA events after the flop @ Hughson I heard of last year......

The only thing wrong with Hughson was there was only one class. But it was still daylight when we pulled, which was nice.

That's right, I remember now, my bad. I guess if anything comes about with PTPA then maybe someone can be elected to properly tech the diesels for the appropriate class.

Cool, that is quite an extensive schedule they have this year. Should be some good events.

Eureka Ca. Pull

June 25th (wed) Brian with MLM has put together a pull in Eureka Ca. opening night of the Redwood Acres Fair. It Has been about 25 yrs since the last pull up there. So lets "PULL" together and make this a pull they will not forget. This is open to deisel and gas.
Merged the Eureka thread with this one, as the Eureka pull isn't until late June.

Thank GOD Brian finally got the schedule up. I've been waiting for this so I can plan my weekends LOL
In the Pacific tractor puller association (PTPA) the gassers do get paid, Each super stock truck that shows up and pulls gets a certain amount of money, I don't really remember how much but it was a pretty good amount, they don't have a purse or anything, it's show up and you are garunteed money. Maybe we could work something out with the ptpa to get a purse for the diesel class, because at Bakersfield I talked to Albert Mendes (O.G. truck) and he said he was starting a diesel series with them and you had to be a member and make a certain % of there 12 pulls or whatever it was that they had scheduled to qualify for the points and possibly purse.

I heard it was right around $500.