Test hook on Hooker with CR RPMS

Yes we are beta testing the Zuess controller. its coming along nicely, still tweakin some things with it but it has some serious potential as you can see. I have hit close to 7000rpms with it and with all the fuel I call for, just need more air up there. As soon as we get the bugs worked out we will be selling them to everyone, will come with a basic stock tune in it and you can tune it or you can hire us to tune your setup on the dyno wich is the best route. I already have quite a few hrs tuning my setup and about 50 runs on the dyno and with 3 different turbos. By the time they are released bdp will have the tuning down fo sho.
Yes we are beta testing the Zuess controller. its coming along nicely, still tweakin some things with it but it has some serious potential as you can see. I have hit close to 7000rpms with it and with all the fuel I call for, just need more air up there. As soon as we get the bugs worked out we will be selling them to everyone, will come with a basic stock tune in it and you can tune it or you can hire us to tune your setup on the dyno wich is the best route. I already have quite a few hrs tuning my setup and about 50 runs on the dyno and with 3 different turbos. By the time they are released bdp will have the tuning down fo sho.

You know im on that list!!
Diaphram clutches lose most of their static pressure by 4500rpm when they are depressed. The diaphram fingers are held flattend out by the centrifugal force and therefore lose their clamp ability since the force trieds to keep the diaphram flat. What rpm are you wanting to take off at? A normal finger pressure plate with our without weights would work better at higher rpms.

I could see that maybe but gas motor turn more rpm then we do and they don't have a problem with the Pressure plates that I know of
Bean did you get to talk to Peter? I'm curious to see what his thoughts are.
MCLEOD! Call them to see if they make a pressure plate that will work or have the flywheel made to work with Mcleod's pressure plate. You will have no more problems after that.
Ryan, have you had any chance to work with the automatic issue and the zeus?
Talk to Peter, figured out they gave me a different style pp then what I used to have thats more subseptible to what its doing. He sent me a new pp out today and will see if that fixes it. Also had an install issue with some flywheel bolts getting loose and into the first disc so there were a couple diff issues happening. Never had any issues with it the last 3 years but was running a diff pp and less rpm. I am not entertaining any other clutch then SBC, Peter will get it figured out he always has and with lightning speed. You see more issues with SBC's more then likely because they sell more clutches then all the other guys put together.

Kevin, I am not working on the auto stuff or any of the hardware/software for the contoller. I am testing finding issues and bugs and reporting back on what needs changed. It will be a little bit before they are released I am sure, hopefully by winter time.
I have no doubt Peter and the guys at SBC will figure it out.
Yes its a triple, we rebuilt it and changed out the ceramic pucks for sintered iron this year.
Excellent Ryan, keep me in the loop, if I can be of any help please let me know
yes full plates sintered iron.