Thank You NHRDA for great season


New member
Aug 14, 2006
I would like thank all the NHRDA staff members for a great season. I now that any time we go to race that Randy and his staff give 110 % to make it the best, and that flying into race tracks all over the country they are a challenge at every race track , some more than others. The behind the scenes at these race would give most people a drinking problem. Once again Thank You !!!
I agree Randy and his crew are awesome - no matter where they are in the country what time of the day or night they are always giving 110%. Thanks to Randy for his continued passion and drive for diesel motorsports!!

Thank you for a great 2011 season!! We are looking forward to 2012
Yes, thank you Randy and crew!

This is a good spot to post a photo of some hard and hot work that was done by the NHRDA crew and others at Calgary:

That track looked like it hadn't been scraped in years, the traction would have made Topeka look good if it had not been scraped and prepped.
Totally agree, NHRDA crew bust their butts to put on a good race, too bad some of the tracks seem to care less if we even show up. Thanks again Randy.
I agree with everyone. Randy and his crew are the best out there. They deal with everything that happens, and still manage to smile. Great jobs guys and gals. Can't wait for phoenix next year.:rockwoot:
NHRDA ....Hats off again guys!!!! We couldn't have Championship teams without a Champion Organization that is determined to Succeed!!!!! Yall have done an outstanding job this year despite some of the naysayers!!! We can all contribute great ideas together! That even means some positive/negative ones long as it benefits this Sport. Lets ALL Play Like A Pro!