thanks for nothin

Im not trying to come off badass but thanks for the comment, and its a damn horn so you can stop asking lol, I just proved my point though, I went 2 weeks with no replies and today I went 8hrs and have 4 pages thanks for probing my point
We ain't probing squat tard.
Didn't know they had a B.S. for CWI. Thought it was just a week long class and a test. LOL
It's a week long?LOL
Im telling the truth, how did I know you old guys wouldn't think I was being reel, I got the papers at MY house to prove it, don't think that cuz y'all have young retards for kids that they all end up that way
Guess what, I own a house too, and a truck. Where's my cookie? Maybe I'll go get my wife to make me some.
Why does unbroken always want to shove something up a guys ass, I knew you were homo, and I know the difference, I posted the wrong word couldn't delete it, it is a week long class and a test, after 4yrs of college or 5yrs of welding experience you ass clown
4 years of college and you still can't type, punctuate, or use the correct word? They must be so proud of you.

Wow. You can weld. That is about the only thing you have in common with everyone else here. Maybe on CF and DTR that makes you the special cool guy. Not here.
Oh know where did my sig go, that's how I know y'all are ***** ass who's, y'all went personal. Come on put it back please what ever will I do, no I have no sig so im cool like y'all thanks Pappa's
It's CompD, sigs and avatars get changed. Deal with it. The next step is laughing at it. Then you start trying to bait the mods into changing it for you.

I actually had to pick this avatar, it was time for a new one and the tard influx was taking to much of their time to find me a new one.
Hey how about this one, you shove her taks test up you ass and I will go give her a private tudor lesson, I was good at math in h.s., so you want me to post my name and address so you can come find me ooh
Hey how about this one, you shove her taks test up you ass and I will go give her a private tudor lesson, I was good at math in h.s., so you want me to post my name and address so you can come find me ooh

So you think it's funny to make threats pertaining to a 12 year old girl?
I think you address is probably already on a sex offender site or shouldn't be hard to find.
I can also run your ip address...wanna know what street you live on ?
Hey how about this one, you shove her taks test up you ass and I will go give her a private tudor lesson, I was good at math in h.s., so you want me to post my name and address so you can come find me ooh

Man, I can always count on CompD for a good laugh!
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Hey how about this one, you shove her taks test up you ass and I will go give her a private tudor lesson, I was good at math in h.s., so you want me to post my name and address so you can come find me ooh
Learn to spell "tutor" and then maybe then someone will take your brain dead self seriously.

The Tudors were a line of kings in England from the 15th through the 17th centuries.
So you think it's funny to make threats pertaining to a 12 year old girl?
I think you address is probably already on a sex offender site or shouldn't be hard to find.

I can also run your ip address...wanna know what street you live on ?

damn beat me too it