Thanks N.A.D.M.

Mikey thanks for helping us out back east - great countryside and towns! Enjoyed spending time in Scranton and surrounding areas.

Looking forward to coming back this summer!
Is this so called get together going to be a speed or distance gathering?
True True and this will be only 5-6 hrs more

Who needs sleep....:hehe:

Charlie did last time. He wanted to stop and get a hotel on the way up. I told him this is a non stop to PA. So I had to pilot the freightliner while he slept. Once Im on the road Im not stopping til I get there. :rockwoot:
Charlie did last time. He wanted to stop and get a hotel on the way up. I told him this is a non stop to PA. So I had to pilot the freightliner while he slept. Once Im on the road Im not stopping til I get there. :rockwoot:

HAHA Thats how i am...

2 years ago we went to Indy with my puller on the trailer,I got up for work at 2am on thursday and we left at 5PM, drove all night untill 6am when we got into Indy

Thanks to...Red Bull, no-doz and 2 of those little 5HR energy drinks you get at the truck stop:badidea:

Got in the hotel at 7am friday morning and tried to lay down for a couple of hours..... ya IDK if my body was doing 90MPH or my brain was but it was bad!!!!!!

NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Haha, I was dead one day before work a while back. Stop and got that little packet of pills "yellow jackets". Didnt read how to take. Well I took all 3 of them. WOW!! I thought my heart was gonna blow! I would have been dangerous if I were to drive. Since then I dont mess with that stuff. Ill have a redbull or 2 or 3. Depends on what Im drinking it with haha. Usually its Jagermeister!!!
Ill have a redbull or 2 or 3. Depends on what Im drinking it with haha. Usually its Jagermeister!!!

:rockwoot: Remind me when you come out ill get some....thats my favorite!!

They bring Redbull for me to the garage instead beer LOL
Ya buddy!! Garrett Shields tends to favor that flavor as well haha! I never got around to calling you yet. Dont count me out I will. Just been busy with the truck. Going to pick up the new one Saturday!!
I just yanked several posts at Ron's request. This is a thanks thread.... Lets Keep it that way. Thanks guys!
Great job this year guys. You went out of your way to help alot of people this year. Thanks
Big thanks for what you have done in the past and what you are going to do for us in the future, hopfully there will be more tv coverage from next season and i hope that we are made aware of the events with tv coverage a head of time so we can plan to attend, Jeremy.