Thuren tracbar owners


Jul 21, 2008
Was turning out of the drive this morn and pop! This is what I found.



Clearly a crappy weld with little to no penetration on the tubing.Keep an eye on yours, I was lucky, would hate to think if it would have broke on hwy or in a turn!
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Are you going to contact them after the holiday? Interested in see what they say.
Wow. That's a first. Mine is still going strong for nearly a 150k miles. I'm sure he'll take care of you. **** happens in production some time. I'd say this is a rare occurrence if its ever happened before.
Doesn't even look like decent penetration on the insert either Zack! And we all know you should have excellent penetration on the insert! LOL
Yea , just a junk weld, looks like the bead is just layin on there. I ground all that $hit off and rooted/hot passed with tig and capped it with my mig . Wont have to worry about it ever again
I've been running a Thuren track bar for over 4-5 years without any issues

I am going to try out a Carli bar soon.....just need to drill out the mounts for the thicker mounting bolt
I looked it up and I bought this one 5/08 and it has around 130-140k on it
Ok. So it wasn't brand new then. Still sucks that it snapped but considering lack of penetration on the weld, I'm still impressed.
I wouldnt, id let Don handle it first

There is a time and place for letting things get resolved behind the scenes so to speak. This I ain't one of them! Whoever is ultimately responsible for that weld can explain the why of it later.

If I ran that same bar I would undoubtedly think mine had that same issue. Personally if I had a version that didn't look tigged I wouldn't trust it. I'd remove it immediately, grind it out and start over. Chit could get real if that broke at 70mph.

Not that there is anything wrong with MIG, but that there obviously wasn't the way to do it.
I agree with T. Let don handle it first. Everyone makes mistakes. I agree it could have been bad but wasnt so lets bot make it into a situation that it isnt. Don is a great guy i am sure he would want to knoe about this by the owner of the bar
Zack just posted up a warning to people that are running them because his truck isn't offroaded at all and his broke. Upon further inspection, he found the welds sucked. He doesn't need to speak to anyone, behind the scenes or any other way, he welded it back up himself. Just a friendly warning was all it was.
Zack just posted up a warning to people that are running them because his truck isn't offroaded at all and his broke. Upon further inspection, he found the welds sucked. He doesn't need to speak to anyone, behind the scenes or any other way, he welded it back up himself. Just a friendly warning was all it was.

Exactly. Maybe Don or whomever will go through the records and notify everyone they can that they might have some possibly dangerous welds under their rides. Maybe the trucks have been sold several times over and the new owner has no clue. At least this way if someone is running this type of bar the info is out there to find.
Exactly. Maybe Don or whomever will go through the records and notify everyone they can that they might have some possibly dangerous welds under their rides. Maybe the trucks have been sold several times over and the new owner has no clue. At least this way if someone is running this type of bar the info is out there to find.

Thank you! Some people can't seem to think past their snubnosed bladder drains! LOL Besides, you ever heard of a company personally contacting every sale ever made? Horseschidt!
^^^This is exactly why I made this thread! Im not bashing just want people to be aware and hopefully it will save someone the trouble I went through. As Bullrack said I ground the bad weld out and redid it properly, im not looking for anything from Don.